Brockton, Massachusetts Special Brockton School Committee Meeting June 11, 2024 |
Agenda Item 1 Call to Order |
The Special School Committee Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School (BHS), 470 Forest Avenue at 7:00pm. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.
Mayor Sullivan, School Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Mayor Sullivan, Chair read the following statement: This meeting will be held and be accessible to the public via Comcast channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via this link: Brockton Special School Committee Meeting 6-11-24 ( |
Agenda Item 2 Pledge of Allegiance |
All stood to salute the American Flag. |
Agenda Item 3 Establish a Quorum |
Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum.
Also Present |
Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools |
Agenda Item 4 Hearing of Visitors |
Dear Visitors: Welcome to a meeting of the Brockton School Committee. This is the agenda that will be discussed this evening. Please note that Hearing of Visitors is included. If you have a statement or question, please give your name to the secretary. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. 1. Erin Phelan, Brockton resident spoke about students not receiving services that are required by special education plans due to lack of staffing, the increasing of class sizes and classroom supplies. |
Agenda Item 5 Discussion and Potential Vote: FY2025 Budget |
Mayor Sullivan opened the floor for discussion.
Ms. Oliver made a motion for the FY25 in the amount of $232,705.931 net school spending and $18,000.00 non-net school spending, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Mrs. Sullivan asked if the net and non-net vote be taken separately.
Ms. Oliver removed her motion for the net and non-net school spending, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Ms. Oliver made a motion for the FY25 net school spending in the amount of $232,705.931 properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Mayor Sullivan, Chair referred to a comment he made during the Public Finance meeting at 6pm earlier this evening, that he is unable to support this request for the net school spending. The State has given assurance to void a state takeover for a fiscal control board.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Vote – 5 yes, 3 no, the motion passes
Mr. Rodrigues made a motion for the FY2025 non-net school spending in the amount of $18,000.00 properly seconded by Ms. Oliver.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
The motion passes unanimously. Comments · Mr. Vega explained to all how he came to decision on the vote. He very much feels that students and teachers should get what they need. He also recognizes that our city is in a tough position right now but after continued deadlock votes they’re harmful to our students, teachers and reputation and the ability to get things done as a school committee. As we move ahead, we need to take time to talk to one another to avoid having this occur.
· Mayor Sullivan, Chair is appreciative of all the hard work of all. He thanked Vice- Chair Rodrigues, Acting Superintendent, Dr. Cobbs, City CFO, Troy Clarkson, Open Architects, TJ Plante, and Interim School Business Administrator, Patricia Boyer. He mentioned we will be having a “Big Brother”- “Big Sister” mentor assigned by Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, and expressed we may be able to get through FY25 but we have to look at FY26 and beyond and we will continue to work together.
· Mr. Rodrigues mentioned he fully supports the School Committee vote of $232,705,931 for our students and educators. As a reminder for members prior to this year the requested budget last year was $250,000,00 (this is $20,000,000 below of what was asked for last year), he supports the $232,705,931 not because of city finances but because our students need it, our educators need it. We see where the district is lack of proper staffing, especially where the school department has been laying off for years and believes the school department has bailed out the city and we continue to do so. It’s this body’s duty to ask for proper funding. |
Agenda Item 6 Executive Session
Mayor Sullivan read the following statement for the record.
Pursuant to: M.G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(2), to conduct a grievance hearing pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement between the Brockton School Committee and the Brockton Education Association.
The Chair called for a vote to go into Executive Session and read the following statement for the record.
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to go into Executive Session, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. Roll Call vote on the motion.
The Chair announced that SC will not reconvene following Executive Session. School Committee Members went into Executive Session at 7:15pm
Respectfully submitted, Dr. James F. Cobbs Acting Superintendent/Secretary
mdc |