David E. Crosby Administration Building
43 Crescent Street, Brockton, MA 02301
Phone (508) 580-7511 Fax: (508) 580-7513
June 12, 2024
To: Brockton School Committee
From: Mr. Tony A. Rodrigues, Vice-Chair
Re: Public Meeting/FY25 School Budget Minutes
A Public Meeting on the FY25 School Budget was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 6p in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School, 470 Forest Avenue.
Vice-chair Rodrigues opened the meeting at 6:09p and read the following:
This meeting will be held and will be accessible to the public via on Comcast channel 8 and /1071HD Version, and online via this link:
Brockton School Committee Public Hearing FY2025 School Budget Meeting 6-11-24 (
Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum.
Mr. Sullivan |
Here |
Mayor Sullivan |
Here |
Mrs. Sullivan |
Here |
Mrs. Oliver |
Here |
Mr. Vega |
Here/Zoom |
Mr. Rodrigues, Vice-chair |
Here |
Mr. Gomes |
Absent |
Ms. Asack |
Absent |
Also Present: Acting Superintendent Dr. James Cobbs
In accordance to Mass General Law Ch. 71, Section 38N the hearing is now open to members of the public to discuss the proposed FY25 School Committee (SC) recommended Brockton Public Schools budget. The role of the School Committee is to listen to comments and concerns. Members of the School Committee will not respond to any statements or questions during this course of the hearing. In consideration of all speakers, I ask that each individual complete their remarks within three minutes.
There were no members of the public signed in to speak.
The Vice-chair invited anyone from the audience to identify themselves, should they wish to speak.
The Public Hearing portion of the meeting was closed, and the Vice-chair opened the floor to SC members for comment on the FY25 Budget.
Mayor Sullivan took the floor, telling the membership that he supports the voted upon $18m in Non-net School Spending (NNSS) but does not support the voted upon (6.4.24 FinCom Meeting) figure of $232(705,931)m in Net School Spending (NSS) to City Council for their approval. His reasoning being, the Foundation Statutory Amount for NNSS funding is $226,787,808m. Should additional monies come in after July 1, be it Chapter 70 or anything else from Beacon Hill, those funds will be utilized to help the kids in the classroom.
The Vice-chair clarified the process, as such:
1. The SC Finance Subcommittee (6.4.24) formulates budget amounts in NSS/$232,705,931m and NNSS/$18m for the School Department Recommended FY25 Budget.
2. In a subsequent Regular or Special SC meeting, the FinCom Subcommittee report is presented, and the recommended budgetary amounts are deliberated, accepted, or rejected by vote of the full SC.
3. The final “Will of the Committee” is turned over to the mayor for presentation at City Council, that will determine the final allocation amounts which becomes the BPS SY25 Budget.
Point of Information from Mayor Sullivan:
“As long as I do not go under the Foundation, I can submit less than what was agreed upon by this body.”
Commentary from SC members:
· Appreciation to Ms. Boyer and the team that has worked on this budget,
· Recognition that SC members are not experts in Finance,
· Opposition to presenting anything more than what is Foundation and has been recommended by the Finance Team as other departments in the city have taken deep cuts in their budgets.
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Oliver.
Roll Call vote on the motion.
Mr. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mayor Sullivan |
Yes |
Mrs. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mrs. Oliver |
Yes |
Mr. Vega |
Yes/Zoom |
Mr. Rodrigues, Vice-chair |
Yes |
Mr. Gomes |
Absent |
Ms. Asack |
Absent |