Minutes - Special School Committee Minutes - May 29, 2024

Brockton, Massachusetts                Special Brockton School Committee Meeting                  May 29, 2024

Agenda Item 1

Call to Order

The Special School Committee Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School (BHS), 470 Forest Avenue at 7:00pm.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.


Mayor Sullivan, School Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.


Mayor Sullivan, Chair read the following statement: 

This meeting will be held and be accessible to the public via Comcast channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via this link: www.youtube.com/TheBrocktonChannels

Brockton Special School Committee Meeting 5-29-24 (youtube.com)

Agenda Item 2 Pledge of Allegiance

All stood to salute the American Flag.

Agenda Item 3 Establish a Quorum

Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum.

Mrs. Sullivan


Mr. Gomes


Mr. Vega


Mrs. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues, Vice-chair


Ms. Asack


Mr. Sullivan


Mayor Robert Sullivan





Also Present Speaking

Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Patricia Boyer, Interim School Business Administrator, Attorney Kevin Bresnahan, School Department (SD) Council, Dr. James LaBillois, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Unified Student Services, Dr. Michelle Conners, Assistant Superintendent, 6-12

Agenda Item 4

Hearing of Visitors

Dear Visitors: Welcome to a meeting of the Brockton School Committee. This is the agenda that will be discussed this evening. Please note that Hearing of Visitors is included. If you have a statement or question, please give your name to the secretary.  Each speaker is limited to three minutes.

1.       Angel Cosme, Brockton resident spoke about changes in the District’s EDI office and decisions that affect our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

2.       Gabryel Duverglas, student spoke about the importance of keeping the EDI office.

3.       Tyler Curry, student spoke about the importance of keeping the EDI office.

4.       John Williams, Brockton resident spoke about concerns and care of minorities.

5.       Donna Scanlan, Brockton resident spoke about concerns with the Huntington School.

6.       Michelle Henson, Community member spoke about her visit to the Plouffe School and seeing the interaction Mr. Williams has with teachers, staff and students as a parent.

7.       Ivelisse Caraballo, Brockton resident spoke on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion office and the importance of not eliminating the department.

Agenda Item 5

Update from Open Architects

TJ Plante was unavailable to provide an update.  The Chair stated Mr. Plante would be giving his update during the June 4th meeting.

Agenda Item 6

FY2025         Budget Update

Ms. Boyer reported that her team has a good handle, after speaking with Department Heads, on the budget and the fact that it doesn’t change the bottom-line figure previously introduced.  She has materials that will be delivered in the next Informational Packet for SC.

CFO Clarkson was present but did not speak.

The Vice-Chair proposed there be a FinCom meeting for Tuesday, June 4th at 5p that will include the Department Heads.

The Chair announced the plan to hold the Public Comment on the Budget, June 11, followed by a formal vote in the June 11 Special SC Meeting.  The SC Budget would be presented at City Council on June 18.

Mr. Vega and Mr. Gomes will participate remotely on June 11.

Ms. Asack may need to attend partially remotely on that day.

Agenda Item 7

Discussion and Potential Vote


Facility Moves

The Chair acknowledged that Mr. Vega’s request to have “all motions that the group adopted at the May 7th meeting regarding facility changes” was in fact an actionable and gave him the floor.

Mr. Vega took the floor and addressed the visitor speakers from Ward 1, telling them they are being heard. 

Mr. Vega, citing lack of complete data concerning ramifications of voting the program moves one-by-one in the May 7th

With guidance from SD Attorney Bresnahan,

Mr. Vega made a motion to rescind the action taken on the motion.

There being no second on the motion, the motion fails.

Dr. LaBillois reported that he organized a site visit with two members of DESE, members from Central and three SC members, to ascertain what school site was best suited for the Brockton Therapeutic Day School (BTDS).  The consensus was the Jones Building.

Dr. Conners reported that there were

·         43 students, grades 7-12, enrolled/placed by recommendation in the BTDS with attendance trends of 72%,

·         81 students in the *Edison Day Academy/Re-engagement with attendance trends of 67%,

·         The 122 students in *Champion, at the Jones building, were only successfully accommodated by more staff, that is not available this SY, and complex scheduling.

Dr. Conners explained that programs of *Choice were to offer real time supports for students who find it difficult to negotiate the larger school setting found at Brockton High School.

Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to move the students to the Jones Building, (Huntington) Therapeutic Day, properly seconded by Mr. Sullivan.

Discussion on the motion:

·         The consideration of the Edison Day Academy/Re-engagement is tabled at this time,

·         The Jones and Paine buildings will hold up to 200 students respectively,

·         Of the 12 out-of-district placements, there are none that would be brought back at the BTDS,

·         Reconsider the name of the building. Reconsideration would need to go to the Building Naming Subcommittee.

Roll Call vote on the motion.

Mrs. Sullivan


Mr. Gomes


Mr. Vega


Mrs. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues, Vice-chair


Ms. Asack


Mr. Sullivan


Mayor Robert Sullivan




The motion passes.

Mrs. Oliver made a motion to move Edison to the Paine Building, properly seconded by Mr. Sullivan.

Discussion on the motion: Dr. Cobbs was asked to confirm that this move was the Cabinet recommendation.

Roll Call vote on the motion.

Mrs. Sullivan


Mr. Gomes


Mr. Vega


Mrs. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues, Vice-chair


Ms. Asack


Mr. Sullivan


Mayor Robert Sullivan




The Chair asked for show-of-hand vote on the motion, counting off five yes votes.

The motion passes.

The Chair announced that going forward the agenda will include item Procurement, where City Procurement Chief Michael Morris and City Attorney Megan Bridges will report on the RFP process.

Agenda Item 8

Executive Session


The Chair called for a vote to go into Executive Session and read the following statement for the record.

Pursuant to: M.G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining where an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the School Committee’s bargaining position. (IBAA-TEA), and; Pursuant to: M.G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(2), to discuss strategy in preparation for contract negotiations with non-union personnel. 

Mr. Sullivan made a motion to go into Executive Session, properly seconded by Mr. Vega.

Roll Call vote on the motion.

Mrs. Sullivan


Mr. Gomes


Mr. Vega


Mrs. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues, Vice-chair


Ms. Asack


Mr. Sullivan


Mayor Robert Sullivan





The Chair announced that SC would not reconvene following Executive Session.


School Committee Members went into Executive Session, in a classroom of the Green Building, at 7:59pm

Respectfully submitted,         

Dr. James F. Cobbs

Acting Superintendent/Secretary

