Brockton, Massachusetts Brockton School Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 21, 2024 |
Agenda Item I
Call to Order 5:47
Pledge of Allegiance 6:45
Establish a Quorum 7:03
A meeting of the Brockton School Committee (SC) was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theater, 470 Forest Avenue at 7p. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion. Mayor Sullivan opened the meeting at 7p, reading the following: Dear Visitors: Welcome to a meeting of the Brockton School Committee. This is the agenda that will be discussed this evening. Please note that Hearing of Visitors is included. If you have a statement or question, please give your name to the secretary. This meeting will be held and be accessible to the public via Comcast channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via this link: All stood to salute the American Flag. Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum.
Also Present: Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools |
Agenda Item II Hearing of Visitors 7:47 |
The Chair read aloud SC policy BEDH, and announced he was allowing seven speakers. 1. Angelica Fontes/Brockton: Spoke on the cutting of staff in the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office. 2. John C. Williams/Brockton: Spoke on the need to continue with the practice of having Community Mentors, Vertical Alignment with Brockton High, and volunteerism. 3. Odell Wilson/Brockton: Spoke about the need to have mentors to raise children up. 4. Candice Howard/Brockton: Spoke about the closing of Brockton Virtual Learning Academy (BVLA) elementary program. 5. Eric Thomas/Dighton MA: Spoke on his role as a Holistic Mentor for the Critical, Analytical Thinking (CAT) program. 6. George Brickhouse/Brockton: Spoke about hope and faith and piloting the CAT program. 7. Darrell T. Price, Jr./Brockton: Spoke about outdated technology issued to BVLA students. |
Agenda Item III Report of the Superintendent of Schools
Agenda Item IV Consent Agenda 1:25:35
A. Teaching & Learning · Student Rep, Anthony Veiga spoke about how Brockton has provided every tool for success and is proud to be a Brocktonian. As this meeting is his last, he thanked all that he has worked with and introduced his successor, Stephanie James (Junior/Yellow). · Using PowerPoint, Stephanie highlighted various activities and happenings at BHS that included, Harbor One Art Show, Student Ambassadors to Korea, Boxer Baseball, Girls Track, “The Wedding Singer”, Advance Placement, International Baccalaureate, MCAS testing, Prom and Graduation. She commented on Principal McCaskill’s continuing the work of enforcing student accountability and creating a safe learning environment. · Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Dr. Moran, introduced the three appointed Administrative Interns and their projects for SY 24. B. Recognitions SC took a moment to recognize Anthony Veiga and Thomas Rhenow, Brockton Community Access, for their contributions to the committee. C. Grants Office Ms. Carmillia Jackson, Grant Manager/Writer, using PowerPoint, gave a rundown on the processes/procedures that will be implemented in SY24-25. Most illuminating was an explanation of the five steps in the BPS Grant Lifecycle. SC would like a to receive detailed reports.
D. Update: TJ Plante, Open Architects Not available. E. FY2025 Budget Update CFO Troy Clarkson is not available. School Business Administrator, Patricia Boyer explained the difference between Net School Spending (NSP) and Non-net School Spending (NNSS). MGL c70§2(a) defines NSS as “the total amount spent for the support of public education however, that NSS shall not include spending for school construction, long-term debt service, school meals, transportation of students or adults, and community learning programs.” She reports that there may be a mechanism to reduce transportation costs through vendors and Community Schools through grant funding. BPS is able to be purchased from the State Contract lists and all purchasing is being done by this option. F. Update on DESE MOU MassCore Graduation Recommendations Utilizing PowerPoint technology, Principal McCaskill, and Associate Principals Jennifer Morgan and Rachael Umbrianna laid-out the recommendations for graduating in Massachusetts. These recommendations are meant to furnish students with the skills necessary to enter college or the workforce. Considerations to allow students to meet the graduating recommendations, in SY26, will depend on schedule changes and staffing to accommodate the addition of classes. The new recommendations would go into effect for the SY26 freshman students. G. Items to Refer to Subcommittee None
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to approve consent agenda items A, B, C, D, E, and F, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. (Agenda Attached) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. |
Agenda Item V
Unfinished Business · Discussion and Potential Vote: Facility Moves Mr. Vega moved to rescind all motions that the group adopted at the May 7th meeting regarding facility changes. Discussion on the motion: The Chair discounted the legitimacy of rescinding a vote but would put the matter on the next meeting’s agenda. Ms. Asack made a motion to move the BVLA to the second floor of the Huntington building, on the library side properly seconded by Mr. Rodrigues. (1:51:40) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. Mr. Sullivan made a motion where the Therapeutic Day School would go to the Jones Building the (Re)-engagement Center would go to the Jones Building and the Edison Day would go to the Paine, also known as the Adult Learning Center, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. (1:58:10) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion fails. Mr. Gomes made a motion to move Edison Day back to the Jones Building Brockton and the Therapeutic to the Paine, properly seconded (2:00:24) Discussion on the motion: Moving the Brockton Therapeutic Day School (BTDS) back to the Paine Building may not meet with the approval of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), resulting in the program closing and the students being placed out-of-district. Assistant Superintendent LaBillois’ opinion was that the Jones Building was a suitable location for the BTDS but, as asked by the Chair, would reach out to DESE and schedule walk-throughs. Mr. Gomes withdrew his motion. (2:15:39) · Drop Out Age: Mr. Rodrigues read into the record, a resolution drafted by legal counsel. (Document Attached*cc to Clerk’s Office/City Hall) Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to adopt the resolution to increase the age from 16 to 18 to be submitted by the Brockton School Committee to Massachusetts Association of School Committees, properly seconded by Ms. Asack. (2:20:09) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. · Public Hearing/School Choice: The Chair read a report from the Public Meeting on School Choice that was held at 6:45p, just prior to this SC meeting. Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to continue to participate in the School Choice Program, grade 6, and 9-12, properly seconded by Ms. Oliver. (2:21:10) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. |
Agenda Item VI
New Business Discussion/Vote to change the 6/18/24 SC Meeting Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to move the June 18 School Committee meeting to Wednesday, June 26th at 7pm in the Little Theatre, properly seconded by Ms. Oliver. (2:23:30) Discussion on the motion: Roll call vote on the motion: The Chair asked that the motion be revoked. Both parties revoked. Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to move the June 18 School Committee meeting to Thursday, June 27th at 6pm in the Little Theatre, properly seconded by Ms. Oliver. (2:25:07) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. |
Agenda Item VII 2:26:00 |
School Safety Officer Teixeira reported that, through proactivity, things were going well both inside and outside of BHS. Principal McCaskill thanked the hall monitors for their efforts. Duty rosters have been changed in order to better monitor the doors to outside during 5th and 6th periods, leaving bathroom coverage once again in need. YONDER night will be Thursday, May 30th at 6p and parent letters are out being translated. Mr. McCaskill will be in attendance on June 5th/7p at a West Middle School Family Forum. By clicking on the highly visible QR code displayed by Mr. Vega, families can register to attend. |
Agenda Item VIII 2:29:00 |
Announcements · Special SC Meeting, Tuesday, May 28 at BHS · Future Educators of Color: May 25th at North Middle School from 10a-2p |
Agenda Item IX 2:31:22 |
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes.
School Committee adjourned to at 9:27p.
Respectfully submitted, Dr. James F. Cobbs Acting Superintendent/Secretary
Materials: BHS Student Rep Report ppt Grant ppt DESE MassCore Recommendations ppt Drop-out Age Resolution |
Agenda Item I
Call to Order 5:47
Pledge of Allegiance 6:45
Establish a Quorum 7:03
A meeting of the Brockton School Committee (SC) was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theater, 470 Forest Avenue at 7p. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion. Mayor Sullivan opened the meeting at 7p, reading the following: Dear Visitors: Welcome to a meeting of the Brockton School Committee. This is the agenda that will be discussed this evening. Please note that Hearing of Visitors is included. If you have a statement or question, please give your name to the secretary. This meeting will be held and be accessible to the public via Comcast channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via this link: All stood to salute the American Flag. Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum.
Also Present: Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools |
Agenda Item II Hearing of Visitors 7:47 |
The Chair read aloud SC policy BEDH, and announced he was allowing seven speakers. 1. Angelica Fontes/Brockton: Spoke on the cutting of staff in the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office. 2. John C. Williams/Brockton: Spoke on the need to continue with the practice of having Community Mentors, Vertical Alignment with Brockton High, and volunteerism. 3. Odell Wilson/Brockton: Spoke about the need to have mentors to raise children up. 4. Candice Howard/Brockton: Spoke about the closing of Brockton Virtual Learning Academy (BVLA) elementary program. 5. Eric Thomas/Dighton MA: Spoke on his role as a Holistic Mentor for the Critical, Analytical Thinking (CAT) program. 6. George Brickhouse/Brockton: Spoke about hope and faith and piloting the CAT program. 7. Darrell T. Price, Jr./Brockton: Spoke about outdated technology issued to BVLA students. |
Agenda Item III Report of the Superintendent of Schools
Agenda Item IV Consent Agenda 1:25:35
A. Teaching & Learning · Student Rep, Anthony Veiga spoke about how Brockton has provided every tool for success and is proud to be a Brocktonian. As this meeting is his last, he thanked all that he has worked with and introduced his successor, Stephanie James (Junior/Yellow). · Using PowerPoint, Stephanie highlighted various activities and happenings at BHS that included, Harbor One Art Show, Student Ambassadors to Korea, Boxer Baseball, Girls Track, “The Wedding Singer”, Advance Placement, International Baccalaureate, MCAS testing, Prom and Graduation. She commented on Principal McCaskill’s continuing the work of enforcing student accountability and creating a safe learning environment. · Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Dr. Moran, introduced the three appointed Administrative Interns and their projects for SY 24. B. Recognitions SC took a moment to recognize Anthony Veiga and Thomas Rhenow, Brockton Community Access, for their contributions to the committee. C. Grants Office Ms. Carmillia Jackson, Grant Manager/Writer, using PowerPoint, gave a rundown on the processes/procedures that will be implemented in SY24-25. Most illuminating was an explanation of the five steps in the BPS Grant Lifecycle. SC would like a to receive detailed reports.
D. Update: TJ Plante, Open Architects Not available. E. FY2025 Budget Update CFO Troy Clarkson is not available. School Business Administrator, Patricia Boyer explained the difference between Net School Spending (NSP) and Non-net School Spending (NNSS). MGL c70§2(a) defines NSS as “the total amount spent for the support of public education however, that NSS shall not include spending for school construction, long-term debt service, school meals, transportation of students or adults, and community learning programs.” She reports that there may be a mechanism to reduce transportation costs through vendors and Community Schools through grant funding. BPS is able to be purchased from the State Contract lists and all purchasing is being done by this option. F. Update on DESE MOU MassCore Graduation Recommendations Utilizing PowerPoint technology, Principal McCaskill, and Associate Principals Jennifer Morgan and Rachael Umbrianna laid-out the recommendations for graduating in Massachusetts. These recommendations are meant to furnish students with the skills necessary to enter college or the workforce. Considerations to allow students to meet the graduating recommendations, in SY26, will depend on schedule changes and staffing to accommodate the addition of classes. The new recommendations would go into effect for the SY26 freshman students. G. Items to Refer to Subcommittee None
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to approve consent agenda items A, B, C, D, E, and F, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. (Agenda Attached) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. |
Agenda Item V
Unfinished Business · Discussion and Potential Vote: Facility Moves Mr. Vega moved to rescind all motions that the group adopted at the May 7th meeting regarding facility changes. Discussion on the motion: The Chair discounted the legitimacy of rescinding a vote but would put the matter on the next meeting’s agenda. Ms. Asack made a motion to move the BVLA to the second floor of the Huntington building, on the library side properly seconded by Mr. Rodrigues. (1:51:40) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. Mr. Sullivan made a motion where the Therapeutic Day School would go to the Jones Building the (Re)-engagement Center would go to the Jones Building and the Edison Day would go to the Paine, also known as the Adult Learning Center, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. (1:58:10) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion fails. Mr. Gomes made a motion to move Edison Day back to the Jones Building Brockton and the Therapeutic to the Paine, properly seconded (2:00:24) Discussion on the motion: Moving the Brockton Therapeutic Day School (BTDS) back to the Paine Building may not meet with the approval of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), resulting in the program closing and the students being placed out-of-district. Assistant Superintendent LaBillois’ opinion was that the Jones Building was a suitable location for the BTDS but, as asked by the Chair, would reach out to DESE and schedule walk-throughs. Mr. Gomes withdrew his motion. (2:15:39) · Drop Out Age: Mr. Rodrigues read into the record, a resolution drafted by legal counsel. (Document Attached*cc to Clerk’s Office/City Hall) Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to adopt the resolution to increase the age from 16 to 18 to be submitted by the Brockton School Committee to Massachusetts Association of School Committees, properly seconded by Ms. Asack. (2:20:09) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. · Public Hearing/School Choice: The Chair read a report from the Public Meeting on School Choice that was held at 6:45p, just prior to this SC meeting. Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to continue to participate in the School Choice Program, grade 6, and 9-12, properly seconded by Ms. Oliver. (2:21:10) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. |
Agenda Item VI
New Business Discussion/Vote to change the 6/18/24 SC Meeting Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to move the June 18 School Committee meeting to Wednesday, June 26th at 7pm in the Little Theatre, properly seconded by Ms. Oliver. (2:23:30) Discussion on the motion: Roll call vote on the motion: The Chair asked that the motion be revoked. Both parties revoked. Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to move the June 18 School Committee meeting to Thursday, June 27th at 6pm in the Little Theatre, properly seconded by Ms. Oliver. (2:25:07) Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes. |
Agenda Item VII 2:26:00 |
School Safety Officer Teixeira reported that, through proactivity, things were going well both inside and outside of BHS. Principal McCaskill thanked the hall monitors for their efforts. Duty rosters have been changed in order to better monitor the doors to outside during 5th and 6th periods, leaving bathroom coverage once again in need. YONDER night will be Thursday, May 30th at 6p and parent letters are out being translated. Mr. McCaskill will be in attendance on June 5th/7p at a West Middle School Family Forum. By clicking on the highly visible QR code displayed by Mr. Vega, families can register to attend. |
Agenda Item VIII 2:29:00 |
Announcements · Special SC Meeting, Tuesday, May 28 at BHS · Future Educators of Color: May 25th at North Middle School from 10a-2p |
Agenda Item IX 2:31:22 |
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. Roll call vote on the motion:
The motion passes.
School Committee adjourned to at 9:27p.
Respectfully submitted, Dr. James F. Cobbs Acting Superintendent/Secretary
Materials: BHS Student Rep Report ppt Grant ppt DESE MassCore Recommendations ppt Drop-out Age Resolution |