Minutes - January 31, 2024 Minutes

Brockton, Massachusetts                                Special Brockton School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Agenda Item 1

Call to Order

A special meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the theater of the Dr. William H. Arnone School, 135 Belmont Street at 5:45p.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.

Agenda Item 2 Pledge of Allegiance

All stood to salute the American Flag.

Agenda Item 3 Establish a Quorum






Also Present

Mayor Sullivan read the following statement: 

This meeting will be held and be accessible to the public via Comcast channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via this link: www.youtube.com/TheBrocktonChannels

Roll was taken:

Mrs. Sullivan


Mrs. Ehlers


Mr. Gomes


Ms. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues


Ms. Asack


Mr. T. Sullivan


Mr. R. Sullivan, Mayor/Chair




Dr. James F. Cobbs, Acting Superintendent, Sharon R. Wolder, Deputy Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Captain Hallisey, Officer Campbell, Officer Mosely, Brockton Police, Dr. Michele Conners, Assistant Superintendent 6-12, Attorney Sarah Spatafore, School Committee Legal Representation

Agenda Item 4

Hearing of Visitors

Mayor Sullivan opened the Hearing of Visitors portion of the meeting.  Participants who had signed in to speak, prior to the Call to Order, are invited to the podium to speak with a time limit of three minutes per person.

1.       Stacy MacDonald, BESPA President: spoke on reports from her membership depicting various serious incidents of disrespect, infractions of conduct, lack of support from Brockton High School (BHS) leadership and the School Committee’s preoccupation of time on electing a vice-chair.

2.       Kim Gibson, BEA President:  spoke on various incidents of student-on-student and student-on-staff violence. Students disrupting learning with kicking doors, playing Ding-Dong-Ditch, hanging-out in stairwells and openly vaping marijuana.  Her members are frustrated by the time spent by the School Committee on not electing a vice-chair and the lack of enforcement of the cellphone policy.  She is calling for the development of a Strategic Plan to target behaviors and attendance with enforceable, documented consequences meant to deter the behavior from continuing.  She asks the School Committee to listen to her membership.

3.       Dee Jones, educator in Brockton Public Schools (BPS) and parent: spoke on an incident, involving the use of a racial slur by a teacher at East Middle School (MS).

4.       Lydia Bloodsworth, BHS senior student:  spoke on her concerns for her younger sisters being subjected to violence at BHS, despite security in place.  The only safe-space that she finds is the only IRS (yellow) still open at BHS.  Lack of substitutes to cover teacher absences creates overcrowding with as many as 150 students in cafeterias.

5.       Eleri Merrikin, BHS teacher:  spoke on two To-Dos for the School Committee to act on immediately to facilitate safety and education at BHS.

1.      The need for teachers to have their classroom keys returned to them.  The students are having sex in and vandalizing the classrooms,

2.      Have adjunct staff sub to take students out of circulation.

6.       Mark Richardson, BHS teacher (28th year):  spoke on BHS being in major crisis with the need to have policies with clear, enforceable consequences, specifically a cellphone policy.  Breaking up fights and being verbally abused by the 300-400 students is a daily occurrence.

7.       Nora Acevedo, BHS ESL teacher (nearly 20 years): read messages from her students which ranged from their wish to being excused from school on days they are not in testing, more communication with their parents about testing days, opening the bathrooms so they are available, and having classroom coverage so they can study in quiet and not be put in the cafeterias. 

8.       Liz Corbett, BHS ESL teacher: spoke about school safety being a precursor to academic achievement.  DESE reports BHS teacher-to-student ratio at 15-1.  She has as many as 25 per class.  Current conditions will lead to teacher burn-out.

9.       Joe Campbell, Independent Brockton School Administrative Assistants & Technical Employee Association:  spoke on the antiquated laws with regard to discipline that bind the hands of administration.  He asks that the School Committee work with legislators and DESE commissioner Riley on these laws.

10.    Morgan Thatcher, BHS teacher and parent: spoke on the metal detectors not being set to detect knives, which get into the building, and the ID scan that won’t alert an employee supervising the door that the student being scanned was, in actuality, suspended and had no purpose in the building.  Teachers are forgoing their prep-time to act a subs and she was told by a student that he no longer wanted to attend School Committee meetings as the members act so immaturely.

11.    Heather Arrighi, BHS Guidance Counselor: spoke from personal experience on student vaping/marijuana use, dangerously high mental/emotional exhaustion among staff as a result of feeling unheard, unsafe and unsupported, large classroom sizes and unrealistic counselor caseloads, no cellphone or dress code enforcement, etc.

12.    Cheri Mazzoli, BHS Red House AA: spoke on being physically injured by the chaos caused when students swarm to photograph fighting at BHS.

13.    Cliff Cananvan, BHS teacher (22 years): spoke on a fighting incident that resulted in his arm being broken.  He would like to know when staff and student safety is going to be addressed by this school committee.

14.    Martin Feroli, BHS Guidance Counselor: spoke about not sending his own children to BHS due to the climate of disrespect, permissiveness, mixed and inconsistent messages that have formed the current culture.  Many hundreds of students have free reign to cut class, leave the building and allow out-siders into the buildings.

15.    Samantha Gordon, BHS Social Science teacher: spoke of encountering 10 students skipping class who ignored her request to go to return to their classrooms.  Staff are afraid to intervene as students have more rights than they do.  Bathrooms are locked and unavailable. 

16.    Mara Tavares (Shamara), BHS student: spoke about students and teachers not being heard.  She is looking for support and the need for those not there to learn be removed.

17.    Julie Fairfield, BHS Yellow/Math teacher: spoke emotionally about her anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder reporting she calls out often due to the abuse, lack of respect and fear for safety from students.     The Mayor called for a two-minute recess.

18.    Melissa McLaughlin, BHS teacher (32 years): spoke on the lack of safety, stemming from more than one incident of assault suffered from a BHS student.  She is looking to rally for positive change, specifically around the cellphone usage.

19.    Michelle Henson, Community: spoke in support of the teachers who are having so much trouble with BHS.

Agenda Item 5

Discussion of BHS Safety & Securing

Mayor Sullivan reported on having conducted a listening/planning session with Dr. Cobbs, Chief of Police Perez, Mr. McCaskill, Sgt. Livingston, City Solicitor Bridges and Mrs. Ehlers on the issues voiced by the public this evening. 

Dr. Cobbs spoke on the necessity of adequate funding to help find solutions to the problems in the district, in particular those at BHS. He reminded the assembled that it was the cuts over the years that have contributed to the staffing problems being dealt with today. The creation of a BPS Task Force, with input from School Police, teaching and administrative staff, students and parents, members of the community and our community partners, guidance counselors and school behaviorists will be asked to work together to find solutions with these issues.

He talked about working diligently with City Side to monitor spending while still hiring where mandated.

Safety & Security staff have been hired and are being outfitted and trained to make them productive. 

Dr. Cobbs invited Deputy Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Sharon Wolder, to speak.

Ms. Wolder walked the meeting attendees through the history of decline that has been in effect since the changes in student discipline law in 2014. 

Decisions that have been made as a result of changes in discipline laws, budget cuts, the pandemic and changes in program locations have made significant negative impacts on the social and emotional health of students and staff.

Administrative leadership changes at BHS and lack of training in their new roles are problems that need time to be addressed in order to put and keep struggling students on paths for success. The first thing that needs to be addressed is the cellphone problem and the resources to enforce it, followed closely behind with planning and budgeting to support sustainable plans.

Dr. Cobbs then asked Mr. McCaskill, Principal of Brockton High, to come to the podium.

Principal McCaskill spoke of the supportive reception he has received during his initial three-weeks at Brockton High. He feels very comfortable and is tapping into the heart of Brockton at BHS.  The reinstitution of the of the in-house suspension room should prove immediate relief with behaviors and also finding more community mentors.  Mr. McCaskill spoke about informing the BHS staff of three non-negotiables: violence towards anybody, blatant disrespect towards staff, and the bringing of illegal substances, weapons, or paraphernalia into the building as all being suspendable offences.  He is looking forward to the hard work of making systemic changes.

Captain John Hallisey, Brockton Police Department spoke about the need to closely supervise the key distribution at BHS.  He explained, with respect to Active Shooter training, should a teacher’s key get in the hands of a shooter every classroom door would be compromised. 

Some comments from the membership were:

·         Mayor Sullivan will be in consultation with Chief Perez on the key issue. He also spoke on the need to address vaping, marijuana and bathroom access.

·         Talk concerning staffing the high-risk doors to mitigate unauthorized access to the building.

·         There was a request that the parents take accountability for their child’s behaviors and that the educators hold their fellow educators accountable.

·         There was a request for an organizational/administration chart for the High School with job titles and descriptions to aid Principal McCaskill and the staff.

·         BHS Safety Issues:

-          Dr. Cobbs reported that the INFORCE 911 program is still being evaluated for use and that the phone/PA systems are being worked on currently.

-          Flagging a suspended student to deny them access to the building is being looked at by data and IT teams to implement that fix.  Suspended student’s ID is deactivated or confiscated until their suspension concludes.

The Mayor asked for an explanatory timeline on these issues.

-          Updated ID pictures and how they are printed needs to be addressed.

·        One member asked for the cellphone policy to be voted in this meeting.

-          Attorney Spatafore:  A request of this kind is in violation of the Open Meeting Law.

-          Dr. Conners explained that the need to extend the proposed cellphone policy to the middle school is not necessary at this time.  She reported that there are very few infractions of that sort.  Wondering is more of an issue and research into why this is occurring is more important at this time.

-          Dr. Cobbs said that the cellphone policy, vaping (also in the MS.), drug use, cutting class, attendance policy, and the demerit system all need to be on the February 6 meeting agenda. 

·         Confidentiality with regard to reporting issues to either School Committee personnel or the Superintendent is strictly adhered to.

Agenda Item 6


Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.

The motion passed.

Brockton, Massachusetts  Special Brockton School Committee Meeting  January 23, 2024


A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at 7p.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.


The School Committee Chair, Mayor Sullivan, called the meeting to order at 7p, reading the following into the record, followed by a salute to our American flag:


This meeting will be held and accessible to the public via television on Comcast Channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via the following link: www.youtube.com/TheBrocktonChannels


The Chair took roll call to establish a quorum.


Mrs. Sullivan - Here

Mr. Gomes -Joined Via  Phone at 7:01p

Ms. Ehlers - Here

Ms. Oliver - Arrived at 7:02p

Mr. Rodrigues -Arrived at 7:03p

Ms. Asack -Arrived at 7:02p

Mr. T. Sullivan -Here

Mr. R. Sullivan, Chair -Here







Also Present

Dr. James F. Cobbs, Acting Superintendent, Attorney Sarah Spatafore

Hearing of


There were no persons signed-up for hearing of visitors.

Election of





















Mayor Sullivan invited Attorney Sarah Spatafore to the podium to provide an update relative to the inquiry of Co Vice-Chairs by Ms. Asack during the last School Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.


Attorney Spatafore researched into the idea of proposing a Co-Vice-Chair model, unfortunately the City Charter does a Chapter 32, and states that there has to be the election of one Vice-Chair.  Attorney Spatafore mentioned that she doesn’t think that’s something we can do without changing the Charter, changing the Charter requires either of two process:  one is through a special act or through a Charter convention and then go up through the legislature, both require an act of the legislature and both require initially the City Council’s document and not the School Committee’s document and they would need to agree to do that and doesn’t believe this is an expedience manner during this cycle, further discussion could take place if this committee wanted to contemplate going forward.


Attorney Spatafore mentioned as discussed with this Committee and MASC here the Organizational meeting has passed and we are in the point of trying to establish a new Vice-Chair.  Policy BDA allows the existing Vice-Chair to remain in that role until a successor is established.


Mayor Sullivan acknowledged Mr. Rodrigues has joined in person and Mr. Gomes via the phone, which is allowed under the Governor’s Proclamation, we do have a full 8-member board on tonight.


There were no questions from the School Committee members.


Mayor Sullivan thanked Attorney Spatafore.


Mayor Sullivan opened the floor for nominations for the Vice-Chair of this committee 2024.

Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-chair of this committee for 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.

The Chair asked for any other nominations.

Ms. Oliver nominated Mr. Tony Rodrigues for Vice-chair 2024, properly seconded by Ms. Asack.

The Chair called twice more for nominations from the floor. There being no further nominations from the floor, he closed nominations and called for a roll-call vote on the motions.

Mrs. Sullivan


Mr. Gomes


Mrs. Ehlers


Ms. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues


Ms. Asack


Mr. T. Sullivan


Mayor Sullivan




The motion fails to elect a Vice-chair.

The Chair reopened nominations from the floor.

Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-chair of this committee for 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.

The Chair asked for any other nominations.

Ms. Oliver nominated Mr. Tony Rodrigues for Vice-chair, properly seconded by Ms. Asack.

The Chair called twice more for nominations from the floor, there being no further nominations from the floor he closed nominations and called for a roll-call vote on the motions.

Mrs. Sullivan


Mr. Gomes


Mrs. Ehlers


Ms. Oliver


Mr. Rodrigues


Ms. Asack


Mr. T. Sullivan


Mayor Sullivan




The motion fails to elect a Vice-chair.


Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to adjourn, properly seconded by Ms. Asack.


Mayor Sullivan announced the following:


The Finance Committee, Brockton City Council has a meeting next Monday, January 29, 2024 in the Council Chambers at 7:00p, 45 School Street, Brockton, MA.  Under the Massachusetts School Building Association (MSBA) extension that was granted with a condition there is a calendar of agenda items that we have to present at the MSBA.  The first agenda item was for an order to be submitted, it was submitted by himself as mayor and it was also co-signed a letter of support relative to the matter $2.5 million dollar is a request for the feasibility study which is a requirement for the MSBA.  It will be heard next Monday night in the Council Chambers at 7:00p, 45 School Street, Brockton, MA all are welcome to come.


Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote.


Mrs. Sullivan (Yes)

Mr. Gomes (Yes, Via Phone)

Mrs. Ehlers (Yes)

Ms. Oliver (Yes)

Mr. Rodrigues (Yes)

Ms. Asack (Yes)

Mr. T. Sullivan (No)

Mr. R. Sullivan, Chair (Yes)




The motion passed.

Mayor Sullivan mentioned due to weather conditions this evening, sanding and salting will be done at all the schools and parking lots.


The meeting adjourned at 7:10p


Respectfully submitted,



Dr. James F. Cobbs

Acting Superintendent of Schools
