Brockton, Massachusetts Brockton School Committee Meeting January 16, 2024 |
A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening at the George M. Romm, Little Theatre at Brockton High School at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion. |
Present |
Mrs. Judy Sullivan, Mr. Claudio Gomes, Mrs. Kathleen Ehlers, Ms. Ana Oliver, Mr. Tony Rodrigues, Ms. Joyce Asack, Mr. Timothy Sullivan, Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, Chair |
Also Present |
Dr. James F. Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools, Cabinet Members, Mr. Troy Clarkson, City Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Attorney Sarah Spatafore |
Absent |
None |
Mayor Sullivan, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00p, and read the following to the record, followed by a salute to the flag: Welcome to the meeting of the Brockton Public School Committee this is the agenda that will be discussed this evening, please note that the hearing of visitors is included, if you have a statement or question please give your name to the secretary. In addition to attending, the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast Channel 8 and 1071HD Version and online via this link: www.youtube.com/thebrocktonchannels The Chair asked for all to stand for a salute to the flag and then took roll call to establish a quorum.
Hearing Of Visitors |
1. Hamilton Rodrigues spoke in regards to a FOI (Freedom of Information) request. 2. Cynthia Hodges spoke in regards to important factors such as safety stewardship, even temperament and no unresolved legal issues, to consider when evaluating a candidate for Vice-Chair. 3. Mary LaCivita spoke in regards to the audit and when it will take place. 4. Kim Langford spoke in regards to the school committee members and lack of leadership. Mayor Sullivan thanked the hearing of visitors. Mayor Sullivan acknowledged the MASC Representative, Ms. Novack. Mayor Sullivan mentioned that Dr. Cobbs is requesting to move Agenda IV: Report of Superintendent of Schools prior to Agenda III: MASC Training. Mrs. Ehlers motioned to move Agenda IV: Report of Superintendent of Schools before Agenda III: MASC Training. Seconded by Mr. Sullivan. The motion passes unanimously. |
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Cobbs thanked Mayor Sullivan and School Committee members for granting his request to change the agenda order. He invited Ms. Sharon Wolder, Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning to the podium to introduce the two schools that will come before to present happenings in their schools and mentioned as he visits schools and walks through the classrooms teachers are engaged with their students and students are engaged with each other and learning.
Ms. Wolder spoke briefly and reiterated the reason that we’re here is for our children. We continue day by day to address our staffing needs, financial needs and to ensure that every student has the equitable access they deserve and we are moving forward in our thinking.
John F. Kennedy Elementary School Presentation Mr. Gary Lumnah, Principal introduced Ms. Kelly Kistler, Assistant Principal and presented a brief powerpoint and shared the following:
Who We Are · Students Enrolled 524 · Specialized Programs: K/1 Lifeskills, K/1 City Resource and Grade 2 City Resource
“Once a Kennedy kid, always a Kennedy kid!” (Motto coined by the late Principal Mr. Brian Rogan)
We’re Proud of Our Growth in the Following Areas · Lexia Data - which they continue to increase the number of students who are on or approaching grade level materials. (handout with additional data)
Example(s): · In September 2023, 77% of the JFK students were working in Below Grade Level materials while 23% were working in Grade Level material based on Lexia Core5. · Today, we have 54% of the JFK students working in Below Grade Level materials while 46% are working in Grade Level material or ABOVE Grade Level material based in Lexia Core5. · In September 2023, 26% of our youngest students were working In Grade Level material. Today, 95% of the JFK kindergartners are In Grade Level material or ABOVE based on Lexia Core5. (applause) · Mr. Lumnah credits all of his teachers especially the kindergarten teachers. · Family Engagement – Attendance of multilingual and special education families during after school activities and events have increased. · PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support is a school-wide strategy for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals. · A Kennedy Cougar; Cooperation, Accountability, Respect, Empathy & Safety!
We’re Working to Address the Following Areas · English Language Arts – We continue to work on perfecting a blended literacy model using WONDERS and Lexia. · Data – Ensuring that all teachers feel confident finding and analyzing data so they can use it to inform instruction. Why We Come to Work Every Day A quote from Tristan, Grade 4: “ I love the Kennedy School. Everyone here represents kindness. We are proud to be cougars who care.”
Mr. Lumnah thanked the School Committee, Dr. Cobbs, Cabinet Members, and everyone that attended tonight. (applause)
Ms. Wolder introduced Ms. Lisa Thomas, Principal of South Middle School, and team for their presentation.
South Middle School Presentation Ms. Thomas, Principal introduced Mr. Jon Garcea, Assistant Principal, Mr. John Lynch, Associate Principal and presented a brief powerpoint and shared the following:
Who We Are · Current Enrollment – 476 (enrollment numbers tend to increase throughout the year) · Programs Include: Honors Academy, Bilingual Programs, Lifeskills, ASD, Emotionally Impaired We’re Proud of Our Growth in the Following Areas · State of accountability doubled · Star Growth · SEL & student ownership We’re Working to Address the Following Areas · Students not meeting expectations. · Student supports. Why We Come to Work Every Day A quote from Aries Shannah, Grade 8: “I love coming to South because of the teachers, learning new things, and the events we have”. (applause)
Mayor Sullivan, School Committee members and Dr. Cobbs thanked both schools for their presentations.
Update on Brockton High School Dr. Cobbs and Ms. Wolder spoke briefly about BHS. · Students sitting in café due to teachers being absent without a sub. · Security & Safety (12 in building) · Principal Duarte to meet with teachers who have excessive absences. · Leadership team to address issues and meet with students/parents. · Ms. Wolder stated she worked at BHS for 23 years (heart is at BHS) · Mr. Duarte has come in as the new Principal, he is still learning the building. · Many graduates of BHS are moving on to college. · Many John & Abigail Adams Scholar recipients · The culture will change with support; need to work as a team. · Policies will work with structure. · BHS is headed in the right direction; there is a lot to celebrate.
Questions/Answers/Comments Ms. Oliver-visited the school and had amazing interactions with students. Mr. Rodrigues-visited BHS and took time to introduce himself to parents during the John & Abigail Adams ceremony. Positive changes being made, progress is happening. Mrs. Sullivan-receiving reports from teachers and parents of students. Changes need to be done regarding the safety of the building. Mrs. Ehlers-only one class in the cafe opposed to reports of hundreds of students in the café. Good work is happening. Ms. Oliver-need to focus on positive happenings. Teachers need to be safe. Applaud only one class in the café. Mr. Gomes-tend to focus on the negative when the focus should be on the positive. As a recent BHS graduate, it was great to see the excitement when speaking to the current students/parents/Principal. Ms. Asack-celebrate the positive. Safety is number one. Students need stability. Mr. Sullivan-thanked Dr. Cobbs and Ms. Wolder for doing a great job towards improving the school.
Mayor Sullivan congratulated the John & Abigail Adams scholars and BHS band. The mayor also acknowledged BHS Principal McCaskill, Dr. Cobbs & Ms. Wolder for their presentation.
Introduction and Update – TJ Plante, Open Architects (Zoom) TJ introduced himself and discussed the FY24-25 plan · Clean up and build the budget. · MUNIS budget and city budget don’t match. · Payroll projections · Roster of employees from schools · Principals and CEO of their buildings · Reconciling of grants and cleaning up grants that have closed in MUNIS (30 total grants). · Closely watching transportation costs, currently 54% has been used, spending is trending. · $7.1 million in circuit breaker to offset. · Revolving account (Community Schools) · Troy Clarkson will work closely with both sides and share reports to build a budget for FY25 · Patricia Boyer expertise and dedication is very helpful.
Questions/Answers/Comments Ms. Asack-received the financial report today and asked if a printed copy could be included in their Friday packets to review prior to meetings. Mr. Clarkson-stated the report is updated daily and will be a few days old if received on the prior Friday of scheduled meetings. Ms. Oliver & Mr. Gomes-both would like the report ahead of time. Mrs. Sullivan-thanked Mr. Clarkson Mr. Plante-reorganization and training is needed. Mrs. Ehlers-asked Mr. Plante if there was an ETA to present the FY25 budget to the School Committee Mr. Plante-unable to project an ETA to present the FY25 budget. Mr. Clarkson-Once the school/city work is done it will be sent to DESE to construct an FY25 budget.
Mayor Sullivan and the School Committee members thanked TJ Plante for his presentation.
Items to Refer to Subcommittee |
Dr. Cobbs recommended the following subcommittee meetings: · Policy Subcommittee to discuss the cell phone policy · Transportation Subcommittee to discuss the department budget |
MASC Training |
Ms. Tracy Novack presented a brief powerpoint and discussed the Roles and Responsibilities of a School Committee member.
· Purviews of the School Committee · Successful School Committees share · Understanding & Respect Roles · Committee & Superintendent · Goal Setting · Policy · Personnel & Responsibilities · Budget · School Finance
Mayor Sullivan and School Committee thanked Ms. Tracy Novak for the presentation and look forward to more workshops to attend throughout the year.
Consent Agenda |
Mayor Sullivan read the Consent Agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F & G and asked if the Committee wanted to take any items off for discussion.
Mr. Rodrigues and Mrs. Sullivan both asked for Agenda E to be removed for discussion.
Mrs. Sullivan motioned to approve A, B, C, D, F & G, seconded by Ms. Asack. Mayor Sullivan read the remaining Consent Agenda items aloud. (Agenda Attached) The motion passed. Mr. Rodrigues acknowledged the scholarship that will go towards a candidate graduating from Brockton High School. He asked to have the financial application revised due to the additional requested information was listed and to postpone this agenda item to the next school committee meeting. Dr. Cobbs will reach out to Ms. Julie Caldwell to revise the financial request of information. Mrs. Ehlers asked since Ms. Hodges was in attendance to have her speak before the committee regarding the scholarship. (There were no objections) Ms. Hodges confirmed that the financial form was standard and sent by Ms. Julie Caldwell.
Mr. Rodrigues motioned to postpone Agenda E to revise the financial application, seconded by Ms. Asack.
The motion passed.
Mrs. Sullivan acknowledged the scholarship in the amount of $250.00 that will go towards a candidate graduating from Brockton Highs School. |
Unfinished Business |
Election of Vice-Chair The Chair opened the floor to names to be put in consideration to be nominated to serve as Vice-Chair for 2024. Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-Chair of this committee for 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
Ms. Asack asked if she could make a statement before making the nomination. Ms. Asack suggested having a co-Vice Chair and work together to focus on the needs of the students.
Attorney Spatafore explained she was not aware of this proposal and doesn’t think it’s a bad idea but would need time to look at the policy before giving a legal opinion. If the committee is interested her suggestion would be to table the vote until the next School Committee meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, and be able to provide a legal opinion.
Ms. Asack made a motion to nominate Mr. Tony Rodrigues as Vice-chair of this committee for 2024, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Mayor Sullivan asked what the will of the committee relative to giving Attorney Spatafore time for legal advice on this matter.
Mrs. Sullivan made a motion for Attorney Spatafore to look into it legally.
Mayor Sullivan mentioned there is a nomination process in place right now, we have two names on the ballot, is the will of the committee (unilateral decision) in essence to withdraw both nominations and both names come off and postpone the matter until the next meeting. Mayor Sullivan respectfully asked if that is the will of the committee to take a vote by show of hands.
The motion passes.
Mayor Sullivan asked Mr. T. Sullivan if he would consider pulling his nomination and Mrs. Sullivan second nomination relative to Mrs. Ehlers.
Mr. T. Sullivan agreed to pull his nomination of Mrs. Ehlers as Vice-chair, Mrs. Sullivan agreed to pull her second on the motion for Mrs. Ehlers.
Ms. Asack agreed to remove her motion to nominate Mr. Tony Rodrigues as Vice-chair, Mr. Gomes agreed to remove his second on the motion for Mr. Rodrigues.
Ms. Asack motioned to postpone the Vice-chair to the Special School Committee on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Mr. Gomes.
The motion passes. |
New Business |
There is no New Business. |
Announcements |
Ms. Asack mentioned the senior class will fundraiser for their prom and other events and feel free to reach out and show your support and help them out as a community.
Executive Session |
Mayor Sullivan announced, “The Committee will enter Executive Session and read the following:
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(1) “To discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual” (Michael Thomas)
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2) “To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel” Interim Superintendent
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(3) “To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares” BESPA
Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to go into Executive Session.
Mrs. Sullivan motioned to enter Executive Session, seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:
Mrs. Sullivan – Yes Mr. Gomes – No Mrs. Ehlers – Yes Ms. Oliver – No Mr. Rodrigues – No Ms. Asack - No Mr. T. Sullivan – Yes Mayor Sullivan – Yes As a tie, the motion fails. |
Adjournment |
Seeing no further business, Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:34p
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. James F. Cobbs Acting Superintendent/Secretary
PowerPoints: John F. Kennedy Elementary School, South Middle School, MASC: Roles and Responsibilities Handout: John F. Kennedy Elementary School Information
mdc |
Brockton, Massachusetts Special Brockton School Committee Meeting January 23, 2024 |
A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at 7p. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.
The School Committee Chair, Mayor Sullivan, called the meeting to order at 7p, reading the following into the record, followed by a salute to our American flag:
This meeting will be held and accessible to the public via television on Comcast Channel 8 and 1071HD Version, and online via the following link: www.youtube.com/TheBrocktonChannels
The Chair took roll call to establish a quorum.
Absent |
None |
Also Present |
Dr. James F. Cobbs, Acting Superintendent, Attorney Sarah Spatafore |
Hearing of Visitors |
There were no persons signed-up for hearing of visitors. |
Election of Vice-Chair
Mayor Sullivan invited Attorney Sarah Spatafore to the podium to provide an update relative to the inquiry of Co Vice-Chairs by Ms. Asack during the last School Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
Attorney Spatafore researched into the idea of proposing a Co-Vice-Chair model, unfortunately the City Charter does a Chapter 32, and states that there has to be the election of one Vice-Chair. Attorney Spatafore mentioned that she doesn’t think that’s something we can do without changing the Charter, changing the Charter requires either of two process: one is through a special act or through a Charter convention and then go up through the legislature, both require an act of the legislature and both require initially the City Council’s document and not the School Committee’s document and they would need to agree to do that and doesn’t believe this is an expedience manner during this cycle, further discussion could take place if this committee wanted to contemplate going forward.
Attorney Spatafore mentioned as discussed with this Committee and MASC here the Organizational meeting has passed and we are in the point of trying to establish a new Vice-Chair. Policy BDA allows the existing Vice-Chair to remain in that role until a successor is established.
Mayor Sullivan acknowledged Mr. Rodrigues has joined in person and Mr. Gomes via the phone, which is allowed under the Governor’s Proclamation, we do have a full 8-member board on tonight.
There were no questions from the School Committee members.
Mayor Sullivan thanked Attorney Spatafore.
Mayor Sullivan opened the floor for nominations for the Vice-Chair of this committee 2024. Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-chair of this committee for 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. The Chair asked for any other nominations. Ms. Oliver nominated Mr. Tony Rodrigues for Vice-chair 2024, properly seconded by Ms. Asack. The Chair called twice more for nominations from the floor. There being no further nominations from the floor, he closed nominations and called for a roll-call vote on the motions.
The motion fails to elect a Vice-chair. The Chair reopened nominations from the floor. Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-chair of this committee for 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan. The Chair asked for any other nominations. Ms. Oliver nominated Mr. Tony Rodrigues for Vice-chair, properly seconded by Ms. Asack. The Chair called twice more for nominations from the floor, there being no further nominations from the floor he closed nominations and called for a roll-call vote on the motions.
The motion fails to elect a Vice-chair. |
Adjournment |
Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to adjourn, properly seconded by Ms. Asack.
Mayor Sullivan announced the following:
The Finance Committee, Brockton City Council has a meeting next Monday, January 29, 2024 in the Council Chambers at 7:00p, 45 School Street, Brockton, MA. Under the Massachusetts School Building Association (MSBA) extension that was granted with a condition there is a calendar of agenda items that we have to present at the MSBA. The first agenda item was for an order to be submitted, it was submitted by himself as mayor and it was also co-signed a letter of support relative to the matter $2.5 million dollar is a request for the feasibility study which is a requirement for the MSBA. It will be heard next Monday night in the Council Chambers at 7:00p, 45 School Street, Brockton, MA all are welcome to come.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote.
The motion passed. Mayor Sullivan mentioned due to weather conditions this evening, sanding and salting will be done at all the schools and parking lots.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10p
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. James F. Cobbs Acting Superintendent of Schools mdc |