Brockton, Massachusetts
Brockton School Committee Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Live Stream
The Organizational Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre at Brockton High School, at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.
Present: Mayor Robert Sullivan, Mrs. Judy Sullivan, Mr. Claudio Gomes,
Mrs. Kathleen Ehlers, Ms. Ana Oliver, Mr. Tony Rodrigues,
Ms. Joyce Asack, Mr. Timothy Sullivan
Absent: None
Also Present: Acting Superintendent Dr. James Cobbs, Attorney Peter Mello, City Chief Financial Officer Troy Clarkson
Agenda Item I.
Mayor Sullivan called the meeting to order at 7:05p, welcoming the two new members.
He asked that anyone who may be recording or taping this meeting from the audience, please inform him. There was no response. He then read the following into the record.
Dear Visitors:
Welcome to a meeting of the Brockton School Committee. This is the agenda that will be discussed this evening. Please note that Hearing of Visitors is included. We do have community members signed in. If you have a statement or question, please give your name to the secretary. You have three minutes and speak from the podium.
In addition to attending here tonight, the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast channel 8 and 1071HD version, and online via this link:
The Chair asked for all to stand for a salute to the flag and then took roll call to establish a quorum.
Mrs. Sullivan |
Here |
Mr. Gomes |
Here |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Here |
Ms. Oliver |
Here |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Here |
Ms. Asack |
Here |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Here |
Mayor Sullivan |
Here |
Agenda Item II.
Hearing of Visitors
1. Mr. Stapleton spoke in support of Mr. Rodrigues as Vice-chair of the School Committee.
2. Mrs. Rivas Mendes spoke in support of Mr. Rodrigues as Vice-chair of the School Committee.
3. Amanda Gomez spoke in support of Mr. Rodrigues as Vice-chair of the School Committee.
4. Mary LaCivita spoke in support of an inclusive and active choice for Vice-chair, supporting Mr. Rodrigues.
Agenda Items III.
Establishing Officers
The School Committee has three officers, the Chair (Mayor, Vice-chair (elected from from the membership), and Secretary (Superintendent).
Agenda Item IV.
Ms. Asack made a motion to appoint Mayor Robert Sullivan as Chair of the School Committee, properly seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
Roll Call Vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mr. Gomes |
Yes |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Yes |
Ms. Oliver |
Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Yes |
Ms. Asack |
Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mayor Sullivan |
Yes |
The motion carries.
Roll Call Vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mr. Gomes |
Yes |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Yes |
Ms. Oliver |
Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Yes |
Ms. Asack |
Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mayor Sullivan |
Yes |
The motion carries.
Agenda Item V.
Election of Vice-chair of the School Committee
Mayor Sullivan spoke on the importance of collaboration and cooperation regarding the membership of the school committee.
Ms. Asack made a motion: I’d like to take a moment to nominate Tony Rodrigues as Vice-chair for 2024, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Discussion on the motion: Ms. Asack spoke to Mr. Rodrigues’ knowledge of policies, procedures, commitment to be seen in the community and willingness to reach out to the Massachusetts Association of School Committees for guidance.
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-chair, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
Discussion on the motion: Mr. Sullivan spoke on how Mrs. Ehlers held them all together in a very rough year and deserves another year.
Mrs. Sullivan voiced that she feels Kathy is there for all the members and she stands by her.
The Chair asked three times for additional nominations from the floor, adding that the Chair is a lawful voting member. There being no additional nominations a roll call vote was taken:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Ehlers |
Mr. Gomes |
Rodrigues |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Ehlers |
Ms. Oliver |
Rodrigues |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Rodrigues |
Ms. Asack |
Rodrigues |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Ehlers |
Mayor Sullivan |
Ehlers |
As a tie, the motion fails.
Mayor Sullivan clarified a statement he made last year at the Organizational Meeting, in that in a normal year it is good to have change but that this is not a normal year.
Mr. Rodrigues asked to rebut that statement saying, “It’s not a normal year and that’s why we need new leadership.”
The motion having failed to elect a vice-chair, the Mayor again asked for nomination from the floor.
Ms. Asack made a motion to appoint Tony Rodrigues as Vice-chair for 2024, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as Vice-chair, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
The Chair asked three times for additional nominations from the floor. There being no additional nominations a roll call vote was taken:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Ehlers |
Mr. Gomes |
Rodrigues |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Ehlers |
Ms. Oliver |
Rodrigues |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Rodrigues |
Ms. Asack |
Rodrigues |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Ehlers |
Mayor Sullivan |
Ehlers |
As a tie, the motion fails.
The Chair called for a two-minute recess to confer with legal. He also asked the committee if they felt that there may be a change in the vote for Vice-chair. There was no indication that a change would occur. (22:55)
Returning from the recess (23:01), the Chair asked for another round of voting for Vice-chair. When it was noticed that Mr. Gomes was not in attendance another two-minute recess was called. (23:51)
The Mayor gaveled back into session. (23:58)
The second set of motions having failed to elect a vice-chair, the Mayor again asked for nomination from the floor.
Ms. Asack made a motion to appoint Tony Rodrigues as Vice-chair for 2024, properly seconded by Mr. Gomes.
Discussion on the motion: Ms. Asack commented that, as the City Council has a new president yearly, the school department troubles should not dictate not voting a new Vice-chair.
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to nominate Mrs. Kathy Ehlers as -chair for 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
Roll call on the motions:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Ehlers |
Mr. Gomes |
Rodrigues |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Ehlers |
Ms. Oliver |
Rodrigues |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Rodrigues |
Ms. Asack |
Rodrigues |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Ehlers |
Mayor Sullivan |
Ehlers |
As a tie, the motion fails.
Having been unsuccessful in electing a Vice-chair, the Mayor asked Attorney Mello to give some legalese on this matter.
It was Attorney Mello’s position that, what may transpire following a failure to elect a Vice-chair in the Organizational Meeting, is that by invoking Robert’s Rules of Order which recommends that the body should try again, as soon as possible but that in the meantime, the incumbent remains in that role.
Ms. Asack suggested that the committee meet again by next Tuesday to address this matter.
Unarticulated motion: The Mayor then asked for a show of hands to move on to the next agenda item.
The result was a tie.
Agenda Item VI.
Ms. Asack asked that the previous Food Service Negotiating Committee be convened to facilitate the negotiations currently in session.
With this issue in mind, Mrs. Ehlers mentioned she populated a draft list of subcommittees.
A motion was made by Mrs. Ehlers to move on and continue with the agenda, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
Discussion on the motion: The Mayor informed the committee that he would be calling a Special School Committee Meeting next week, Tuesday, January 9th, to address the Vice-chair and Subcommittee Assignment situations.
There was no objection on the motion.
Agenda Item VII.
Approval of Rules and Orders of the School Committee
A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan that this committee approve the Rules and Regulations (Orders) as written 2024, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
Roll Call Vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mr. Gomes |
Yes |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Yes |
Ms. Oliver |
Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Yes |
Ms. Asack |
Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mayor Sullivan |
Yes |
The Rules and Orders of the School Committee was ratified unanimously.
Agenda Item VIII.
Superintendent’s Report
A. Teaching & Learning
The Superintendent informed the committee that he would invite the new Brockton High School principal, Mr. Kevin McCaskill and the new Interim School Business Officer Administrator to the January 9 Special meeting.
B. Financial Update
City CFO Troy Clarkson informed the committee that the City Council voted to cover the FY23 school deficit, using 7.9 million dollars from the Chapter 324 Special Reserve and 2 million from Certified Free Cash. He reported that the city requested from the Internal Revenue Service to increase revenue estimates for local receipts (building permits, licenses, investment income) to generate the revenue necessary to cover the school deficit. This move was necessary to allow tax bills to go out and continue with business as usual.
He then reported that the FY24 budget is continuing to trend below and, working with his and school department staff and with a municipal finance expert provided by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, TJ Plant, they are attempting to quantify and understand the deficit. He will invite Mr. Plant to attend the January 9th meeting, by Zoom, to introduce him to the new members.
They are currently constructing a critical roster review of personnel in schools to ensure funds are available to cover those costs.
He would like to brainstorm and be a part of the FY25 School Department budget with the school committee’s finance subcommittee to configure allocations.
The Mayor interjected that City Council would have an evening dedicated to the FY25 Brockton School budget.
With respect to Community Schools program’s revolving fund, Mr. Clarkson has discovered that the funds don’t always cover costs. In FY25 it is recommended that the program have a set budget and revenues realized would go into the General Fund.
Discussion on the report:
It asked that his reports be included in the Friday packet so that the membership can review the information well prior to meetings, to which the Chair asked that the information be send directly to members and cc Dr. Cobbs and Malinda.
The CFO reported that was discovered, over the preceding several months, that the actual deficit was closer to 18 million with a 3.9 million deficit in out-of-district tuitions and transportation costs. The 18 million was actual spent funds, the other was revolving funds that were not covered.
It was debated that a request for funds from the city should have come from the School Committee.
It was the CFO’s understanding that once the deficit was brought to light and the fiscal year closed it is the responsibility of the city to address the deficit. He reported that approximately 20 million dollars were available from Certified Free Cash at the close of FY23 which came from unexpended allocated funds and any revenues received in excess of projections. He was providing a calculation of the Free Cash with deductions of funds expecting reimbursement or identify as in deficit. With information gathered in MUNIS the city should have a clear understanding shortly after June 30 yearly where the city side stands, separate from the school department.
It was asked, separate from the 4.9 million, the 3.9 million (tuition/transportation) found would have put the School Department in an almost 4 million deficit.
CFO: This 3.9 million is not unusual in school systems across the state, This issue needs to be addressed legislatively. The best way to create a more detailed budget to accurately set things up in MUNIS would be by working collaboratively with the Finance Subcommittee and possibly contracting with Open Architect for assistance.
Is it possible to resubmit for rejected Cares Act funds?
No, but he can provide a report, for the January 19 meeting, of how the 19 million in funds were expended and, going forward with collaboration, members will not be learning important information second-hand.
In example, it is anticipated that transportation cost may well exceed the allocation. What can be done about this?
Again, monies can be moved or realized from allocations currently budgeted but not spent and may be realized from the state for out-of-district and transportations costs.
It was suggested that an advisory council where members of the school committee meet with city council members to formulate a clear understanding of the school department budget is aligned.
The Chair supports this endeavor, as ultimately the City Council approves the money.
C. Items to Refer to Subcommittee
The Superintendent offered a Facilities Usage and Planning to approve the Huntington PreK School proposal at 6p on January 9, 2024.
Attorney Mello advised that the subcommittees are in effect for a year from inception.
Mr. Rodrigues reported that, following a conversation with MASC, the subcommittee may convene as a Committee of the Whole, chaired by the senior member of the school committee.
Agenda Item IX.
Consent Agenda
Mayor Sullivan explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda and asked membersif they would like to remove any items for further discussion.
Salaries were requested to be included on item D, Non-Certified Appointment appointments.
In the future, salaries will be included.
A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan to accept items A, B, C, and D as written, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
The Chair read below:
A. Approval of Minutes: Regular School Committee Meeting, December 2023
B. Approval of Minutes: Special School Committee Meeting, November 28, 2023
C. Request for Authorization to Submit Proposal and Expenditure of Funds
· FY24 FC205 217 Strategic Transformation Area Grant - $6,000
D. Acceptance of Human Resources Notifications
· Appointments: Certified Personnel
· Appointments: Non-Certified
· Personnel Actions: Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements
The motion carried.
Agenda Item X.
Unfinished Business
There is no Unfinished Business.
Agenda Item XI.
New Business
Where there are elections on March 5th, 2024, there is a safety issue with voting in Schools and the end date for the School Year will need to be changed.
The Mayor will have the Executive Director appear, Tuesday, January 9th, to speak on this issue.
Agenda Item XII.
There were no announcements.
Agenda Item XIII.
Executive Session
M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2): “To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel” Interim School Business Administrator
Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to go into Executive Session, properly seconded by Mrs. Ehlers.
Roll Call Vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mr. Gomes |
Yes |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Yes |
Ms. Oliver |
Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Yes |
Ms. Asack |
Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mayor Sullivan |
Yes |
The motion carried.
The Chair informed that the School Committee would, in fact, reconvene following Executive Session. The School Committee entered Executive Session at 9:27p.
The School Committee reconvened at 9:48p.
Mrs. Ehlers made a motion to approve the new contract for the Interim Business Administrator, with the amendments discussed during Executive Session, properly seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
Roll Call Vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mr. Gomes |
Yes |
Mrs. Ehlers |
Yes |
Ms. Oliver |
Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues |
Yes |
Ms. Asack |
Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan |
Yes |
Mayor Sullivan |
Yes |
The motion was confirmed.
Legal will get it into executable form.
Agenda Item XIV.
Mr. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Asack.
Discussion on the motion: A request was made to have a representative from MASC attend and advise at the January 9 Special School Committee Meeting.
The Chair confirmed that a MASC representative will be invited to the 7p Special meeting and reminded that there is a 6p Facilities meeting also.
A reminder was issued concerning returning the Ethics Training certificate to Mrs. Campbell prior to the end of January deadline.
The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:51p.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. James F. Cobbs
Acting Superintendent/Secretary