Minutes - November 28, 2023 Minutes

Brockton, Massachusetts        Special School Committee Meeting                     November 28, 2023

The Special School Committee Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening at the        Dr. William H. Arnone, Theater at 7:00pm.

These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.

Agenda #1-Call to order

Mayor Sullivan, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:07pm


Agenda #2-Pledge

Salute to the flag.


Agenda #3-Establish a quorum

Mayor Sullivan, Chair, took roll call to establish a quorum.


Mrs. Sullivan-Yes                       Mr. Homer-Yes              Mrs. Ehlers-Yes        Mrs. Rivas Mendes-Yes    

Mr. Rodrigues-Yes                      Ms. Asack-Yes               Mayor Sullivan-Yes


Absent:  Mr. T. Sullivan


Also Present: Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent, Attorney Sarah Spatafore, Attorney Megan Bridges


Agenda #4-Hearing of visitors

There was 1 person signed in, of whom was a Brockton resident.  The Informational Technology Department provided a count-down timer, set for 3 minutes.

Ms. Maggie Pinney of Brockton MA, spoke on the importance of Brockton High School:  MCAS, Bathrooms and NHS Applications.  

Agenda #5-Discussion and Potential Vote:  Regarding the Audit Firm Selection Advisory Committee Meeting – November 15, 2023

Mayor Sullivan thanked the 3 Community Members and 1 alternate, the members were phenomenal, great conversations and great questions.  Mayor Sullivan mentioned the audit firm selectin advisory committee  came back favorable to the full committee with a recommendation and turned it over to Mrs. Ehlers.


Vice-Chair Ehlers mentioned Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Rivas Mendes were unable to attend during the audit selection meeting and wanted to make sure they had an opportunity to review the selections and questions to the selected firm chosen.  There were 3 organizations that presented to the committee, across the board all agreed to RSM and had the best presentation and best fit for us to move forward.  Members of the committee agreed that RSM was the best selection and fit.  


Mrs. Ehlers motioned to approve RSM as our new Audit Firm to conduct the audit for the

deficit for FY2023.  Seconded by Ms. Asack.


The motion passed, unanimously.


Agenda #6-Discussion and Potential Vote:  Amendment to Dr. James Cobbs Contract

Mayor Sullivan mentioned under advice of counsel it was recommended that we take a motion to postpone agenda #6 until prior to #8, #7 is to go into Executive Session and Attorney Spatafore recommends discussing this matter upon return.



Mr. Rodrigues asked regarding to agenda #6 and #7 “Interim Superintendent” was Dr. Cobbs properly notified and are we in violation of the open meeting law?


Attorney Spatafore recommends amending agenda item #7 under executive session of “Interim Superintendent” to add “Acting Superintendent”.


Mrs. Ehlers motioned to move agenda #6 to be discussed after agenda #8

upon return from Executive Session.  Seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.


The motion passes.

5-yes, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Ehlers, Mrs. Rivas Mendes, Ms. Asack, Mayor Sullivan

2-opposed, Mr. Homer, Mr. Rodrigues



Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to go into Executive Session.

Mrs. Ehlers made a motion to enter Executive Session, properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.


Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote:


Mrs. Sullivan – Yes                    Mr. Homer – Yes                                    Mrs. Ehlers – Yes

Mrs. Rivas Mendes – Yes            Mr. Rodrigues – No                                Ms. Asack – Yes

Mayor Sullivan – Yes

The motion passes.


Mayor Sullivan read the following into the record:

·         M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2) To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Interim Superintendent

Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion and to also add the verbiage “Acting Superintendent” to Executive Session.

Mrs. Ehlers made a motion to add the verbiage “Acting Superintendent” under Executive Session.


Discussion on the motion.

Mr. Rodrigues asked if your adding “Acting Superintendent” he still needs to be notified.


Attorney Spatafore addressed the committee to clarify that notification was given to Dr. Cobbs prior this meeting and explained the open meeting law requirement for active notifications and its purposes, as this is just contract negotiations.


Clarification was provided by Attorney Spatafore on proper notification and an amendment to Dr. Cobbs contract at his request.


Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion and to also add the verbiage “Acting Superintendent” to Executive Session.

Mrs. Ehlers made a motion to add the verbiage “Acting Superintendent” under Executive Session.  Seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.


5-yes, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Ehlers, Mrs. Rivas Mendes, Ms. Asack, Mayor Sullivan

2-opposed, Mr. Homer, Mr. Rodrigues


The motion passes.


Mayor Sullivan read the following into the record:

·         M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(3) To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares – IBAA-TEA

Mayor Sullivan announced that the committee will return from Executive Session.

School Committee Members went into Executive Session at 7:24pm


Agenda #8-Potential Return to Open Session to Vote on Items from Executive Session

Mayor Sullivan took a roll call to return to Open Session from Executive Session at 9:17 pm.


Mrs. Sullivan-Yes                       Mr. Homer-Yes              Mrs. Ehlers-Yes        Mrs. Rivas Mendes-Yes    

Mr. Rodrigues-Yes                      Ms. Asack-Yes               Mayor Sullivan-Yes


Mr. Homer made a motion to postpone agenda Item #6 to the December 5, 2023, Regular School Committee Meeting.  Properly seconded by Mrs. Ehlers.


Mrs. Sullivan-Yes                       Mr. Homer-Yes              Mrs. Ehlers-Yes        Mrs. Rivas Mendes-Yes    

Mr. Rodrigues-Yes                      Ms. Asack-Yes               Mayor Sullivan-Yes


The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to accept the Memorandum of Agreement between the Independent Brockton Administrative Assistants and Technical Employees Association (IBAA-TEA) and the Brockton School Committee Multilingual Family Support Employees as part of the Union. 

Properly seconded by Mrs. Rivas Mendes.


Mrs. Sullivan-Yes                       Mr. Homer-Yes              Mrs. Ehlers-Yes        Mrs. Rivas Mendes-Yes    

Mr. Rodrigues-Yes                      Ms. Asack-Yes               Mayor Sullivan-Yes


The motion passed unanimously.



Seeing no further business Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to adjourn.


Mrs. Rivas Mendes made a motion to adjourn. Properly seconded by Mrs. Ehlers.


The motion passed unanimously.


The Special School Committee adjourned at 9:19 pm.

