Minutes - November 14, 2023 Minutes


Brockton, Massachusetts        Brockton School Committee Meeting        November 14, 2023


A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening at Dr. William H. Arnone School, Theater at seven o'clock.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.


Ms. Joyce Asack, Mrs. Kathleen Ehlers, Vice-Chair, Mr. Tony Rodrigues, Mrs. Judy Sullivan, Mr. Timothy Sullivan, Mr. Jared Homer (arrived at 8:49p)  


Also Present

Dr. James F. Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools, Cabinet Members, Mr. Troy Clarkson, City Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President


Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, Chair, Mrs. Cynthia Rivas Mendes


Mrs. Ehlers, School Committee Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:02p, and read the following to the record, followed by a salute to the flag: 

Welcome to the meeting of the Brockton Public School Committee this is the agenda that will be discussed this evening, please note that the hearing of visitors is included, if you have a statement or question please give your name to the secretary.

In addition to attending, the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast Channel 8 and 1071HD Version and online via this link:  www.youtube.com/thebrocktonchannels

The Vice-Chair then took roll call to establish a quorum.

Mrs. Sullivan (Here)

Mr. Rodrigues (Here)

Ms. Asack (Here)

Mr. T. Sullivan (Here)

Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-Chair (Here)

Mr. Homer (Arrived at 8:49 pm)





There were eight Hearing of Visitors: Ms. Melissa McLaughlin, Ms. Nora Acevedo, Ms. Liz Corbett, Ms. Heather Arrighi, Ms. Kim Gibson; BEA President, Ms. Candice Howard,  Ms. Heather Peacock, Ms. Juliette Coughlin.

Concerns articulated included: Brockton High School, Brockton Virtual Learning Academy (BVLA), the importance of  everyone working together as a team.

Mrs. Ehlers thanked all hearing of visitors that came before the committee to express what their concerns are.

Superintendent’s Report




























































































Items to Refer to


Teaching & Learning

Student Representative

Student Representative Anthony Veiga presented a PowerPoint giving a report on happenings at Brockton High School:

·         Football Senior Game, against Durfee winning 27-9

·         Future Boxers Day, middle band students joined the marching band during the half-time show

·         Boys Playoff Soccer, team made it to the second round of the MIAA

·         MIAA Sportsmanship Summit at Gillette Stadium

·         Boys Track, Aaron Corlette and Seamus Canniff qualified for the MIAA All State Championship

·         Cross Country Team, compete in New York at the Nike Regionals

·         Harmonics, outstanding performance at the Bay State Show Choir Festival

·         Veteran’s Day Assembly, honoring the attending veterans who served this country.

·         PSAT’s and MCAS, students took, we wish them the best.

·         Student Feedback, Pros and Cons


Mrs. Ehlers thanked Anthony for the report on happenings at Brockton High School.


Dr. Cobbs addressed the committee members about concerns at Brockton High School with regards to adults in the corridors, we have hired 9 Safety and Security Specialists (additional 3 are in the process of being hiring with HR), we have requested 6 additional staff, giving a total of 18 Safety and Security Specialists.  In an effort to reduce the number of classes uncovered, a teacher is paid to teach a class during their prep, and this has helped to reduce the number of classes uncovered and students in the cafeteria.  Brockton Virtual Learning Academy has 6 teachers elected to teach in person, they will transfer from the 3rd floor in the Green Building to office suites in the building, that will provide additional space for the Edison Day Academy.  Upgrades were made to the PA and Bell systems to synchronize the bell tone with the clocks, adjustments to the audio levels, replaced defective speakers, completed wiring to be able to communicate throughout the building, classroom phones have been reprogrammed to call the office automatically.




SC:  Asked for clarification regarding the number of Safety and Security Specialists.

Dr. Cobbs said, at this moment there are 9 in the building and 3 in progress and looking to have a total of 18 inside the building to monitor.


SC:  What is being done to enforce the code of conduct and policies in the handbook and meet with students at grade level?

Dr. Cobbs mentioned Mr. Duarte, Acting Principal is meeting with students at grade level to go over the code of conduct, the dress code, cell phone policy and other policies in the handbook.


SC:  Are meetings being held with parents and students when they are disruptive? 

Dr. Cobbs answered, Yes meetings are being held with parents and students.


SC:  Are we able to purchase a small amount of the Yondr bags?

Dr. Cobbs answered, the Yondr Bag company will lease them based on the total number of students at the high school and middle schools.  He also mentioned when the policy was changed by this committee not to go with the initial roll out where every student was issued a bag to just third offense it changed the quantity of bags from 5,000 to 6,000 to service 1,000 at most and pay for the lease for one year.


SC:  Was not given proper information regarding the Yondr bags and was under the impression that we could purchase rather than lease. 


SC:  Thanked the high school staff that came and spoke before the committee and expressed to the committee members to visit Brockton High school to fully understand what’s happening and make sure we address the needs at the high school level when this committee comes together.


SC:  What is the policy and procedure when a student becomes disruptive in a classroom, what is the process to protect the teacher?

Dr. Cobbs mentioned it depends on the level of what’s going on in the classroom, generally if a teacher feels that they need help in the classroom with a student they can call for an administrator or floor teacher and determines if the student needs to be removed.


SC:  Where are we with getting our Educators in the classrooms?

Dr. Cobbs mentioned there are approximately 75 approved job ads on School Spring.   


EDI Conference Update & Recognition of Student Ambassadors

Dr. Renée Heywood, Assistant Superintendent of EDI introduced Mr. Darnell T. Willams, Senior Administrator of Professional Growth and School Culture to the podium to present a PowerPoint from the districts 3rd Annual ACT Conference held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.


Darnell shared sme of the highlights from the districts 3rd Annual ACT Conference.


·         Our Purpose, to support the professional growth and development needs of BPS employees by centering EDI design principals on the BPS Proficiency Commitment.

·         Districtwide focus areas through an EDI lens:

1.       Effective Instruction

2.       Active Reading/Writing

3.       Positive Relationships

·         Achieving Change Together Conference, offiering 73 workshops, 16 Pop-Up Restaurants, Summer Interns & Student-Led Workshops, Student Ambassadors BHS&Promise Academy), Districtwide plannint team – subcommittee groups

·         Total number of participants at the conference this year:  Estimated 2500 (consisted of BPS Teachers & Pre-School Teachers, Paraprofessinals & MTAs, Education Administrators & Leaders, Counselors (SAC&Guidance), Administrative Assistants, Health Services & Physical Education Staff.

·         Your Feedback Matters! This information is compiled and used to plan next year’s conference, each year the conference gets bigger but more impactful.


School Committee members thanked Dr. Heywood, Darnell Williams and the team for an amazing presentation from the EDI Conference.


SC:  What mechanism is used to collect feedback?

DW:Feeback is collected by PowerSchools, Microsoft Forms and informal emails.


·         Policy Manual (11/28/23@6 p, location TBD)

·         Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee meeting

·         Policy meeting



Update from City CFO, Mr. Troy Clarkson

Chief Financial Officer, city-side Troy Clarkson presented a PowerPoint presentation entitled Brockton Public Schools Fiscal Outlook FY 2024. Some points shared were:

·         As of today, we are 37.16% through the school year and our overall budget spending is about 32.80%, still running below budgeted that reflects more than likely the vacancies. 

·         Budget Tracking Tool: Reports available on the BPS website for the committee and public

·         School/City Finance Team meets regularly to problem solve

·         Ensure departmental needs are funded properly to meet student outcomes

·         Position Control safeguards to confidently fund and document staff hiring

·         Each school spending, individually



SC:  On the entries that have been paid 100% is that what you’re talking about moving money around?

TC:  Yes, as this spreadsheet is a reflection of what’s in MUNIS and doesn’t reflect exactly the budget book.


SC:  Have we purchased any more vehicles since the beginning of the year, the line item shows 208.83% at the beginning of the year and we’re almost halfway through the year?

Dr. Cobbs answered, No we have not purchased any additional vehicles, the line item will not go down as the expenses are already there (budgeted for) it will only go down is to put more money in the line item.


SC:  Are these numbers are as of and request this information be provided in their Friday packet.

TC:  This information is as of today, and the report is run approximately every two weeks, yes this information be provided to the members.


SC:  Are we on track to having a surplus in the school department? (net and non-net spending)

TC:  It is early to determine as we are making progress, however the budget that’s in MUNIS we are spending below the target of where we should be.


SC:  Asked for a report on all Brockton Public Schools department accounts.


SC:  Is it possible to have our own Chapter 44 account for the school department?

TC:  He is not aware of this and would need to research and get a report back to the committee.


SC:  Asked when is the deadline to pay the FY2023 deficit?

TC:  They are working closely with the Department of Revenue and DESE, they are reporting to the Executive  Office of Administration and Finance, and hoped to have filed since last week and need a little more time to make sure the figures are accurate.  The city is working with its external auditor CLA and they are reviewing the final figures before they get filed.


Mrs. Ehlers invited Mr. Homer to the meeting (he was able to join) and mentioned Mayor Sullivan is unable to attend tonight’s meeting as he is home with COVID.




The Vice-Chair read that the Consent Agenda consisted of items A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L and M and asked if the Committee wanted to take any items off for discussion.


Ms. Asack asked to remove item I / Approval of BHS Girls and Boys Cross Country Overnight,

Out-of-State Field Trip to New York to recognize and acknowledge Coach Canavan and the Cross Country Team.


SC:  Asked for clarification on the number of chaperones attending.

Principal Duarte will get the detailed information and update the committee.


Ms. Asack made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items in its entirety,

properly seconded by Mr. Sullivan.



Following the Vice-Chair’s reading of the Agenda Items (see attached)

The Consent Agenda was passed.

Unfinished Business

There was no Unfinished Business.

New Business

Ms. Asack requested adding a line item “Announcements” to the School Committee Agenda after “New Business”.


Ms. Asack made a motion to add “Announcements” to the School Committee Agenda after

           “New Business”, properly seconded by Mr. Rodrigues.


The motion passed.





Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-Chair announced, “The Committee will enter Executive Session and read the following:


·         Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, Section 21(7) – “To comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements” – Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 22(f), (g) – for the purpose of reviewing, approving, and/or releasing executive session minutes.


·         Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2) To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Interim Superintendent


·         Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(3) To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares – Altria litigation


Mrs. Ehlers asked for a motion to go into Executive Session.


Mr. Rodrigues motioned to enter Executive Session, seconded by Ms. Asack.


  Mrs. Ehlers took a roll call vote:

  Mrs. Sullivan – Yes                         Mr. Homer – Yes                             Mr. Rodrigues – Yes                         

  Ms. Asack – Yes                              Mr. T. Sullivan – Yes                      Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-Chair - Yes   


The motion passed unanimously.


  The committee will not return to open session following this Executive Session.”


  School Committee Members went into Executive Session at 9:06p.



Respectfully submitted,




Dr. James F. Cobbs



PowerPoints:  Student Representative Report, ACT Conference

Handout:  FY24 Monthly Expenditure comparison as of 11/14/2023

