Brockton, Massachusetts Brockton School Committee Meeting September 20, 2023 |
A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion. |
Present |
Ms. Joyce Asack, Ms. Kathleen Ehlers, Vice-Chair, Mr. Jared Homer, Ms. Cynthia Rivas Mendes, Mr. Tony Rodrigues, Ms. Judy Sullivan, Mr. Timothy Sullivan, Mayor Robert Sullivan, Chair, Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools |
Also Present |
Cabinet Members, Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President, Attorney Sarah Spatafore, Mr. Troy Clarkson, City Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, School Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:03p, and read the following to the record, followed by a salute to the flag: Welcome to the meeting of the Brockton Public School Committee this is the agenda that will be discussed this evening, please note that the hearing of visitors is included, if you have a statement or question please give your name to the secretary. In addition to attending, the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast Channel 8 and 1071HD Version and online via this link: www.youtube.com/thebrocktonchannels The Chair then took roll call to establish a quorum.
Mayor Sullivan acknowledged Student Representative Anthony Veiga. (applause) |
Hearing of Visitors |
Mayor Sullivan mentioned that Attorney Spatafore on behalf of the School Committee will be the timekeeper and IT for their tech support. There were nine Hearing of Visitors: Ms. Lori Mason, Mr. Ron Packard, Mr. Axel Sanford, Ms. Kate Sanford, Ms. Linda Pizzi, Ms. Kim Gibson; BEA President, Ms. Stacy MacDonald; BESPA President, Ms. Erica Gilbert, Ms. Kim Langford. Concerns articulated included: Brockton High, Bus Transportation, the importance of Music Program, BEA open positions within the district and the importance of required staff in the classrooms. |
Consent Agenda |
Mayor Sullivan explained the purpose of the Consent Agenda.
Vice-chair Mrs. Ehlers motioned to remove Agenda Items E and F until the report of the Superintendent of Schools is concluded. Seconded by Mr. Rodrigues. Voted: to approve the motion, unanimously.
Mayor Sullivan suggests having the Report of Superintendent of Schools list before the Consent Agenda due to information from Dr. Cobbs and the leadership team providing information that will help in the approval of agenda items.
Mrs. Ehlers motioned to change the order of the agenda and swap out number three as the Consent Agenda to four and bring up the Report of Superintendent of Schools to number three. Seconded by Mr. Rodrigues. Voted: to approve the motion, unanimously.
Following the Mayor’s reading of the Agenda Items (see attached), Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items A, B, C and D. The motion was properly seconded by Mrs. Ehlers. The Consent Agenda was passed. |
Superintendent’s Report |
Teaching & Learning Student Representative (powerpoint) Student Representative Anthony Veiga presented a powerpoint giving a report on happenings at Brockton High School: · Welcoming at Brockton High School Ø Dr. Cobbs Ø Edison Day Academy Ø Freshmen · Senior Sunrise, at D.W. Field Park as they enjoyed their last morning of summer · Football Season, welcoming the New Head Coach Jermaine Wiggins · Marching Band, a great half-time show performance! · Cross Country Team, invited to Martha’s Vineyard Invitational XC · Girl’s Volleyball, great start to the season with a 3-3 record · Girl’s Soccer, great start to the season with 2-2-1 record · Student Experience at BHS, improvements are happening daily
Mayor Sullivan and Dr. Cobbs both thanked Anthony for the report on happenings at Brockton High School.
Student Enrollment and Average Daily Attendance Dr. Cobbs invited Ms. Wolder, Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning to give a brief update on the Student Enrollment and Average Daily Attendance.
Ms. Wolder gave a report on Student Enrollment and Daily Attendance: · Student Enrollment – 15,304 (200 students are in the que, which means they are in the process of being enrolled in Brockton High School · Average Daily Attendance – 91% (our target is 95% or better) · Schools are reaching out to families of students that are not attending regularly
Update by Level Ms. Wolder gave an Update by Level: As a result of our district review last year and partnering with the Department of Education, we had to identify a district priority of high-quality instructional materials. For the elementary we have the Wonders Curriculum, and at the Middle and High School we have Carnegie Math and Studysync in the Middle Schools.
A presentation on Accountability Data is set to take place in October and to look at student specific groups, specifically students with disabilities. The district will target Pre-K to 3 literacies to get students reading on grade level by the third grade and by doing this the projection for their future is much greater.
The PROMISE College and Career Academy is at their new location. Classes such as English and Foreign Language classes are offered to students, which allows them to be dually enrolled in classes gaining a high school experience learning how to be a college student at the same time.
Our focus is on our students and making sure that they get what they need to the best of our ability every single day.
Questions/Answers Mrs. Ehlers asked for clarification regarding the 15,304 students currently in the district, if the 200 students in the que included or additional? Ms. Wolder mentioned the 200 students in the que are an additional to the 15,304 total in the district.
Mrs. Sullivan asked if the College and Career Academy up and running? Ms. Wolder mentioned the PROMISE College and Career is in the second year, and the design of this school is to start students earlier than taking them at Brockton High.
Staffing Update (powerpoint) Dr. Cobbs invited Dr. Kathleen Moran, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to the podium to give a brief update on staffing.
Dr. Moran presented a brief powerpoint of staffing throughout the district. Dr. Moran thanked her Human Resource staff, Associate Directors and Administrative Assistants in maintaining this data yearly and helped prepare this presentation.
Dr. Moran discussed Notification and Dates, Positions eliminated, Request for Personnel Change form, added Positions (throughout the summer, depending on staffing and enrollment), Recalls, Resignations, Retirements and Current Vacancies.
Questions/Answers Mrs. Ehlers asked if any vacancies are from last year that was not filled or new, and where does that leave us net the number of what we riffed versus what is now open? Dr. Moran explained that across the district there are always a couple of positions that are very difficult to fill, last year we did have some positions that were unfilled or filled by a permanent or long-term sub for the entire year, but the majority of these openings now are caused by us having riffed people who have either been promoted to other positions or gone to other districts or taken alternative career leaves.
Mrs. Ehlers asked how does this relate to what our enrollment is in terms of Rif’s where our enrollment did not align with what our staffing levels were and are these positions necessary? Dr. Moran mentioned Troy Clarkson, City CFO will speak to this, however when it comes to planning for the future and making cuts it is based on two things, projected enrollment and the budget.
Mr. Homer asked what is the process for resignations or retirement and how that factor into making decisions about staffing? Dr. Moran mentioned there is a form that is completed so that we can be sure we know when someone has left, it is also available on our website.
Mrs. Rivas Mendes asked is there a hiring freeze on the 70 BEA positions that need to be filled? Dr. Moran mentioned it is not a hiring freeze, structures are being put in place to avoid filing positions that are not budgeted or needed based on enrollment.
Presentation: Brockton Schools Admission Policy and Procedures for Career and Technical Education Programs (action requested) Dr. Cobbs invited Dr. Elvio Ferreira to discuss the CTE Admissions Policy and Procedures Programs.
Dr. Ferreira mentioned this request is a requirement from the State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, it is due by October 1, 2023 annually and provided highlights of the changes that came from the SY23 to SY24 document and a vote is required.
Questions/Answers Mr. Homer asked if there were any changes outside of just the language in the application in terms of new programs that are added for Chapter 74 that were not in place last year? Dr. Ferreira mentioned no, the admissions policy has nothing to do with expansion of program it’s how students are accepted into the programs.
Mr. Rodrigues asked have we explored a criminal justice program? Dr. Ferreira mentioned no, there is a process for looking to apply for any new program (2 part application process) and several pieces that are required including Advisory Board, industry data work with the local Workforce investment boards and this would take place in the fall and deadlines from the state if a district is going to apply for a new program for the following year.
Mrs. Ehlers asked how many applications are we receiving and how many spots do we actually have to fill? Dr. Ferreira mentioned we have a total of 400 seats for both CTE and ICP.
Mrs. Ehlers motioned to approve the New Admission Policy and Procedures for Career and Technical Education Programs. Seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.
The motion passed unanimously.
Update from City CFO, Mr. Troy Clarkson Dr. Cobbs invited Mr. Troy Clarkson to the podium to give a financial update.
Mr. Clarkson discussed the FY24 Monthly Expenditure comparison as of 9/20/2023 handout that lists accounts and descriptions within the district budget. As of today, we are 22.47% through the year and our overall budget spending is about 19.5%, still running below budgeted that reflects more than likely the vacancies. A meeting with Dr. Cobbs, Dr. Moran and Mr. Clarkson is being coordinated to design a streamline process so that vacancies aren’t waiting in the queue.
Mr. Clarkson asked the committee how often they would like this report and suggests every two weeks in order to capture the salaries which are the major budget driver and make this information available to the public on the BPS website.
Mr. Clarkson also mentioned DESE has provided contractual support in the form of a company called Open Architects. A meeting was held with good discussions and the two major people that will be working with us have significant experience in both Massachusetts Public School Finance and Municipal Finance. Mayor Sullivan made a point of information, the call was on Monday, September 18th and in person the week of September 25th. In addition, Mr. Clarkson also meet with Ms. Jen Cook, Municipal Auditor from CLA to discuss with her our current plans on how to address the deficit as we pledge to keep her informed and engaged but also in concert with the meeting that he and the mayor have had with the Department of Revenue.
Questions/Answers/Comments Mrs. Ehlers asked to see a forecast from the individuals putting this together to say yes we will stay on track with this budget and it’s going to end the year balanced or we foresee because of these cyclical expenses that are coming through that we could be over in this area but make up for it because we’re under in another area, the key for us is to make sure transparency is coming to us to say ok and we’re going to be balanced, and know which areas not budgeting appropriately so that we don’t make the same mistake this time next year. Mr. Clarkson mentioned he is working on taking this data and reducing it to an even more granular level, where we are tracking it by schools and this information comes directly from munis.
Mr. Rodrigues asked to see a breakdown of our accounts that the school district has including the BEF accounts and how funds are going into the accounts and being dispensed. Mr. Clarkson mentioned yes, and they are working on a running balance for the grant funds in a similar report.
Mr. Rodrigues asked that we look into having a Chapter 44 account, where the school department has the ability to create any surplus funds that is not spent and put towards education. Mr. Clarkson mentioned that is something we’ll work with Open Architects on establishing written policies and procedures.
Mr. Sullivan asked if this spreadsheet lists the net and non-net spending. Mr. Clarkson mentioned yes, the spreadsheet is reflective of both net and non-net spending.
Mr. Rodrigues asked did we cut music positions through Rif’s and how did we get to this point? Ms. Wolder mentioned yes there were music teachers cuts and teachers cut from every content area and level. Individual lessons during the school day kids were taken out of literacy to take a lesson during the school day, as education is changing it costs more to educate is different pre-covid, we need to look at how were structured to provide the best education overall for all students.
Audit Update Dr. Cobbs invited Attorney Spatafore to the podium to discuss the Audit Update.
Attorney Spatafore discussed the following: · Discussion of advisory committee process A copy of the School Committees Policy on Advisory Committees. The committee decided that it would consist of the full school committee, three members of the public and one alternate to select the Audit Firm to conduct the FY23 budget audit. · Review of Application Materials The committee will have to come up with the instruction, the charge for the committee. Draft documents were discussed at length for consideration.
Questions/Answers Mr. Homer asked, Item B regarding the audit would an audit of previous years be encompassed? Attorney Spatafore mentioned after speaking with a number of audit firms of what the process would undertake, they shared in order to do a successful and detailed audit they would need to look at a number of years.
Mayor Sullivan mentioned we need to add verbiage external independent at the first section.
· Possible Vote Mrs. Rivas Mendes motioned to accept the FY23 budget audit firm selection advisory committee charge with the amendment with the adding the verbiage external independent. Seconded by Ms. Asack. The vote passes unanimously.
Process Requirements Attorney Spatafore discussed the next document is just a brief write-up process requirements for audit firms to conduct the Brockton Public Schools FY budget audit and the third document is the proposed application for members of the public. Attorney Spatafore discussed the draft proposal and requirements that reflected the will of the committee last week.
Questions/Answers Mrs. Ehlers asked for more verbiage on number three, deeper than elected officials related to current employees. Mayor Sullivan asked would you want to actually state a number of positive references, and then from former clients are they municipal clients. Attorney Spatafore agreed to putting a number of municipal references of three.
Mr. Homer likes using this as a baseline to get started but then including other community members input as well before proceeding with the selection process.
Mr. Sullivan asked what the timeline would be? Attorney Spatafore mentioned it would vary by firm.
No vote is needed.
Application Document FY23 Budget Audit Firm Selection Advisory Committee Attorney Spatafore listed the draft application documents and requirements. School Committee members had discussion and suggestions on language changes and edits regarding the application document.
Questions/Answers Ms. Asack asked are we going to attach the proof of residency to the application? Attorney Spatafore suggests we use proof of residency just as we use to enroll students in the district.
Clarification was given on the number of meetings the Audit Firm Selection Advisory Committee will need to meet three to five in total, this is the group to select the audit firm.
Attorney Spatafore gave suggestions to selecting the community members and application timeline. Mrs. Ehlers agrees with Mr. Rodrigues in terms to having a lottery to select the community members.
Mr. Rodrigues asked with this audit are we able to request a transportation department audit? Attorney Spatafore mentioned transportation will be audited as part of this audit since it’s part of the budget, and be able to take the findings from this audit and decide if a further audit is necessary.
Items to Refer to Subcommittee |
Mr. Homer requested a Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee and Sports, Arts and Music Subcommittee. |
Mayor Sullivan bought forth the following consent agenda items for approval. III. Consent Agenda E. Requests for Authorization to Submit Proposal and Expenditure of Funds: · FY2024 Brockton Adult Learning Center Grant - $1,150,842 · FY2024 Consolidated ESSA grant application for federal Title I, Title II, Title III and Title IV - $7,412,358 · FY2024 Increase in Funding for the Mass DESE Early College Incubator Grant - $440,000 · FY2024 21st Century Community Learning Centers Continuation Grants - $1,044,938 · Project Vision Math Tutoring Program - $170,100 F. Acceptance of Human Resources Notifications Appointments: Certified Personnel Appointments: Non-Certified Personnel Actions: Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements
Questions/Answers Mrs. Ehlers asked the requests for authorization have they been vetted out and what is the likeliness of getting them? Dr. Cobbs mentioned grants are vetted out, as some grants are unique, the likeliness of getting the grants are good. Mr. Rodrigues asked for a breakdown of grants in details to how the money is spent. Dr. Cobbs mentioned the information will be in the actual grant application.
Mrs. Rivas Mendes motioned to accept the consent agenda E and F. Seconded by Mr. Sullivan. The motion passes unanimously.
Unfinished Business |
Mrs. Rivas Mendes asked for an update of the hiring of the BHS Principal. Dr. Cobbs mentioned he and the Cabinet Team updated and made edits to the application to a robust job description and qualifications and expectations, had the BHS leadership team review for edits, sent out a parent survey, and hopefully post the job ad within the next week and a possible start date in January.
New Business |
Discussion and Potential Vote: Appointment of Acting School Business Administrator Mayor Sullivan asked Attorney Spatafore mentioned when the decision was made to put some employees on paid administrative leave there was a need to make sure we had support in that department. The Acting Superintendent reached out to the Professional Organization that represents school business administrative Mass Association of school business officers administrators and asked if they maintain a list of retirees who may be interested in consulting roles or short-term roles, they put out a call to all their members saying Brockton might be looking for some help and if your interested to reach out to either Dr. Cobbs or Attorney Spatafore as this would be a short term acting role.
The Committee members had a discussion regarding the qualifications and credentials, the possibility of extended the search and having the committee interview any/all individuals that are interested in the position. Attorney Spatafore mentioned for this particular license is narrow and many may not apply where it’s an acting position and not permanent.
Mayor Sullivan mentioned that the committee should collectively agree to continue the search to attract more candidates. He asked Dr. Moran to work with Attorney Spatafore.
Ms. Asack mentioned she received an email from Cradle to Crayons to inform us of their donation of 2,700 winter coats (applause) and 6,000 backpacks just before the start of the school year. Information will be provided on our website.
Mr. Rodrigues mentioned last Friday movie night was hosted at Marciano Stadium and showcased our new scoreboard. The event was fully sponsored by REMAX Energy Lewis Martins and Total Mortgage George DosSantos, they funded the entire movie night. With the donations given for this event a surplus of $700 that will go to the BEF account. Mr. Rodrigues thanked Ms. Asack, Mr. Sullivan, , Jess Hodges, Tracy Lopes, Steve Fortes, Melinda Shaw and to the eighty families that attended this event.
Mr. Homer mentioned the Kenney School held their first PAC meeting this evening and South Middle School is working on their first PAC meeting, just as a reminder to the community to become involved in the schools. Information and activities are often posted online.
Executive Session |
Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to go into Executive Session. Ms. Sullivan motioned to enter Executive Session, seconded by Ms. Asack.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote: Mrs. Sullivan – Yes Mr. Homer – Yes Mrs. Ehlers – Yes Mrs. Rivas Mendes – Yes Mr. Rodrigues – Yes Ms. Asack – Yes Mr. T. Sullivan – Yes Mayor Sullivan, Chair - Yes
The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Sullivan announced, “The Committee will enter Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, Section 21(7) – “To comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements” – Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 22(f), (g) – for the purpose of reviewing, approving, and/or releasing executive session minutes
“M.G.L. c. 30A, Section 21(1) – “"[t]o discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual." Mr. Michael P. Thomas
The committee will not return to open session following this Executive Session.”
School Committee Members went into Executive Session at 9:57p.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. James Cobbs Secretary
PowerPoints: Student Representative Report, BPS Staffing Presentation Handout: FY24 Monthly Expenditure comparison as of 9/20/2023
mdc |