Minutes - September 6, 2023 Minutes


Brockton, Massachusetts        Brockton School Committee Meeting        September 6, 2023


A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at seven o'clock.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.


Ms. Joyce Asack, Ms. Kathleen Ehlers, Vice-Chair, Mr. Jared Homer, Ms. Cynthia Rivas Mendes,

Mr. Tony Rodrigues, Ms. Judy Sullivan, Mr. Timothy Sullivan,  Mayor Robert Sullivan, Chair,

Dr. James Cobbs, Acting Superintendent of Schools

Also Present

Cabinet Members, Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President, Attorney Sarah Spatafore, Mr. Troy Clarkson, City Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, School Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 7p, followed by a salute to the flag.

The Chair then took roll call to establish a quorum.

Mrs. Sullivan (Here)

Mr. Homer (Here)

Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-chair (Here)

Mrs. Rivas Mendes (Here)

Mr. Rodrigues (Here)

Ms. Asack (Here)

Mr. T. Sullivan (Here)


Mr. R. Sullivan (Here)

Mayor Sullivan read the following statement:  In addition to attending, the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast Channel 8 and 1071HD Version and online via this link:  www.youtube.com/thebrocktonchannels




Mayor Sullivan asked Committee Members to wave the Hearing of Visitors, under the School Committee meeting Hearing of Visitors are three minutes and length limited to fifteen minutes and asked for a motion to wave the fifteen allotment and allow all hearing of visitors that signed in to speak.

Mr. Rodrigues made a motion to extend the Hearing of Visitors.  Seconded by Mrs. Ehlers.

The motion passes.

Mayor Sullivan mentioned that Attorney Spatafore on behalf of the School Committee will be the timekeeper and IT for their tech support.

Mayor Sullivan took a personal moment of personal privilege as the Chair, saying on the record, “As a lifelong Brocktonian, a graduate from Brockton High, a dad of a child at BPS and more importantly the Mayor of the City of Brockton and as the Chair of the School Committee, I was outraged and shocked when learning about the FY23 deficit which is the previous budget that expired on June 30, 2023.” On August 8, 2023 Mr. Petronio and Deputy CFO, Mr. Correia brought it to his attention and the City CFO, Mr. Clarkson.  Mayor Sullivan asked for a meeting with Superintendent Thomas and on August 9, 2023 he confirmed that deficit to be factual, and directed everyone to take immediate action. 

Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-Chair, Ms. Asack, Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Rodrigues also voiced  concerns.         

Eighteen Brockton residents signed in under Hearing of Visitors: Ms. Lori Mason, Mr. George Brickhouse, Ms. Angelica Fontes, Mr. Luis Fontes, Ms. Michelle Henson, Mr. Jamal Brathwaite, Ms. Ivette Monteiro, Ms. Isabela Ratzki, Ms. Djanine Freire, Ms. Michaela Lauture, Ms. Kim Gibson (BEA President), Ms. Gerry Maloney, Mr. Joe Walker, Ms. Ivelisse Caraballo, Dr. Lise McKenzie, Mr. John Williams, Mr. Patrick Quinn, Dr. Denise Baker-Inegbenebo. 

Concerns articulated included: school problems, lack of school committee oversight in budget mismanagement, Chapter 70 funding, transportation costs, bus parking at fairgrounds, accountability, community demand for involvement in the auditing selection process, number of RIFs, mediocrity in the “City of Champions.”



Following the Mayor’s reading of the Agenda Items (see attached), Mr. Sullivan made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items A and B.

The motion was properly seconded by Mrs. Sullivan.

The Consent Agenda was passed.

Superintendent’s Report

Teaching & Learning

Dr. Cobbs, Acting Superintendent and Cabinet Members presented a brief powerpoint giving highlights from the First Day of School.


Opening of Schools Report (powerpoint)

·       Our Proficiency Commitment

·       Opening Day for students (across the district)

·       Highlights from the First Day

·       Building Positive Relationships

·       Staff committed to getting to know their students

Dr. Cobbs thanked the Facilities department for an outstanding job during the summer to get the schools ready.



·       61 buses in service

·       65 microbuses vans

·       7 wheelchair vans

·       5 7D vans

·       134 drivers on the road today with six additional in training

Dr. Cobbs mentioned there were minor delays this morning due to it being the first day of school, otherwise things went well.


Overview from the Deputy & Assistant Superintendents

Ms. Sharon Wolder, Deputy Superintendent started off by saying to the Families  here “thank you” for continuing to trust your Children in the school system and “Thank you” to our Children who showed up today, and our Educators who showed up today. 


It is our responsibility to make sure we do the best that we can to open the doors and give our students the best opportunity to learn that is possible.


BPS Enrollment that included elementary, middle and high schools – 15,086*

(*An additional 300 student registrations are being processed.)


Elementary Schools

Dr. Karen Spaulding and Dr. James LaBillois visited every Elementary School.  Dr. Spaulding gave a brief overview and described the first day of elementary, “joy”.  School staff greeted students and families welcoming them back.  Many thanks to our Principals, teachers, staff members, custodians and Chartwells for making such a welcoming space for our children and providing a delicious lunch.


Middle Schools

Dr. Renée Heywood and Mr. Sean Precious visited Middle Schools.  There was lots of excitement and happy middle schoolers.  There were many activities and enthusiasm from students as they were getting to know one another and what the expectations are from their teachers.  If we create a great environment for our students, then they can be successful in learning and be willing to learn.


High Schools

Dr. Michele Conners visited all three high schools, Brockton High, BVLA and Edison Day Academy (both housed at BHS/Green building)  The excitement in the air was palpable, the students were excited  to be there.  Although students are facing new policies, procedures, structures, and leadership teams they handled it all in stride.  Thank you to all the adults for providing positiveness in the hallways, cafeteria, and classrooms.


PROMISE College and Career Academy moved to 596 Summer Street and opened their doors today and welcomed a new grade 9 class.

Mr. Sean Precious visited Middle Schools, PROMISE College and Career Academy.


This morning he visited the Huntington Therapeutic Day School located at 365 Westgate Drive, the new environment for our students is incredible, the students are happy and satisfied with the learning environment.  Staff led a get to know you scavenger hunt and the space made a huge difference. 



Dr. Conners mentioned BVLA began today with students in grades 2 through 12, our teachers are in person at Brockton High School/ 3rd floor working collaboratively as students are learning online, and seeing the engagement and excitement from teachers and students was exciting.



Ms. Asack thanked the Deputy & Assistant Superintendents for the presentation, as it’s always exciting the first day of school.


Ms. Asack asked how did the new policies go that were put in place?

Ms. Wolder mentioned we will need to work consistently with students on learning what the policies are.


Mrs. Sullivan thanked the Deputy and Assistant Superintendents for the presentation.



Dr. Moran, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources gave a brief overview and mentioned the Assistant Superintendents worked hard to be sure that there were adults in each one of the classrooms to greet the children today.


During the next few weeks, we’ll be sure that we continue to hire and prioritizing where we may need to and continue to hire staff across the district.


Attendance/Enrollment Report

Dr. Cobbs mentioned due to the Infinite Campus software being down nationwide an attendance report was not available. 

Items to Refer to Subcommittee


Unfinished Business

Mrs. Rivas Mendes also voiced concerns.

Mr. Homer mentioned having a Facilities Usage & Planning Subcommittee meeting.

Ms. Asack mentioned having a Policy Manual Subcommittee meeting, a revision packet of materials will be sent in their Friday packets.

Mayor Sullivan pledged to meet with Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President and other Union Member Presidents, to have Mr. Troy Clarkson, City CFO vet out the letter tomorrow and respectfully request to meet on this Friday.

New Business

Discussion and Potential Vote:  BPS – CTE Admission Policy and Procedures


Dr. Cobbs mentioned Dr. Ferreira, Director, CTE is unable to attend and would like to postpone his presentation to the next school committee agenda.


Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to postpone the agenda item in discussion to the next School Committee.


Mr. Homer made a motion to postpone the agenda item to the next Regular School Committee meeting.  Seconded by Ms. Asack.


The motion passes.

Ms. Asack discussed the possible change of the next School Committee meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 to Wednesday, September 20, 2023 due to Preliminary Elections.


Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to postpone the Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Regular School Committee meeting to Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 7:00p.   Seconded by Mrs. Ehlers.


The motion passes.


Closing Statements



Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to adjourn.

Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Asack.

The motion carries.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43p.


Respectfully submitted,




Dr. James Cobbs



PowerPoint:  First Day Snapshot

