Brockton, Massachusetts Emergency Special School Committee Meeting September 1, 2023
The Emergency Special School Committee Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this afternoon in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at three-thirty.
These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.
Present: Chair, Robert F. Sullivan, Mayor, Ms. Asack, Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-chair, Mrs. Rivas Mendes,
Mr. Homer, Mr. Rodrigues, Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. T. Sullivan
Also Present: Dr. James Cobbs, Deputy Superintendent, Attorney Sarah Spatafore
Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, School Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:34p, followed by a salute to the flag.
Mayor Sullivan took a roll-call vote to establish a quorum:
Mrs. Sullivan – Here |
Mr. Homer – Here |
Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-chair - Here |
Mr. Rodrigues - Here |
Ms. Asack – Here |
Mr. T. Sullivan – Here |
Mayor Sullivan, Chair - Here |
Mrs. Rivas Mendes– Arrived at 3:45p |
Mayor Sullivan addressed the FY23 deficit. He clarified that the deficit is not in the present year (FY24), but rather in the previous fiscal year that closed in June 2023. Mayor Sullivan shared that he has spoken to the leadership team, principals, and expressed the Committee’s desire for a smooth transition for the start of school. The Mayor discussed that the next meeting of the School Committee will be on September 6th, when there will be the Hearing of Visitors. Since this is a Special meeting, hearing of visitors is not typically included on the agenda.
Mayor Sullivan read the following statement for the record.
This meeting will be held and will be accessible to the public via Brockton Community Access, Brockton Public Schools website,, YouTube and Comcast channel 8 and /1071HD Version. The public can access this meeting via this link:
Discussion and Vote to Appoint an Acting Superintendent of the Brockton Public Schools
Mr. Rodrigues moved to appoint Dr. Jim Cobbs as Acting Superintendent; seconded by Mrs. Ehlers
o Mayor Sullivan voiced wholehearted support
o Highlighted aspects of Dr. Cobbs’ resume
Mayor Sullivan took a roll call vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan – Yes |
Mr. Homer – No |
Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-chair - Yes |
Mrs. Rivas Mendes – Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues – Yes |
Ms. Asack – Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan – Yes |
Mayor Sullivan, Chair - Yes |
The motion passed.
Discussion and Vote to Authorize an Independent Third Party Investigation and Audit
Mrs. Ehlers made a motion to authorize the chair and vice chair to work with legal counsel to appoint a third party independent audit; seconded by Ms. Asack
o Mr. Rodrigues made suggestions to include two members of the Committee in this decision
Mrs. Ehlers revoked her motion and made a new motion to authorize the chair and vice chair and two
School Committee members to work with legal counsel to appoint a third party independent audit; seconded by Ms. Asack
The Mayor took a roll call vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan – Yes |
Mr. Homer – No |
Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-chair - Yes |
Mrs. Rivas Mendes – Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues – Yes |
Ms. Asack – Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan – Yes |
Mayor Sullivan, Chair - Yes |
The motion passed, unanimously.
Executive Session
The Mayor called for a vote to go into Executive Session and read the following statement for the record.
“The Committee will enter Executive Session” - Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2) – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel.
The Committee will not return to open session following this Executive Session.
Mrs. Sullivan motioned to enter Executive Session. Seconded by Mr. Sullivan.
The Mayor took a roll-call vote on the motion:
Mrs. Sullivan – Yes |
Mr. Homer – Yes |
Mrs. Ehlers, Vice-chair - Yes |
Mrs. Rivas Mendes – Yes |
Mr. Rodrigues – Yes |
Ms. Asack – Yes |
Mr. T. Sullivan – Yes |
Mayor Sullivan, Chair - Yes |
School Committee Members went into Executive Session at 3:43p.