Minutes - July 11, 2023


Brockton, Massachusetts        Brockton School Committee Meeting        July 11, 2023


A meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre of Brockton High School at six o'clock.  These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and lists items that were under discussion.


Ms. Joyce Asack, Ms. Kathleen Ehlers, Mr. Jared Homer, Ms. Cynthia Rivas Mendes,

Mr. Tony Rodrigues, Ms. Judy Sullivan, Mr. Timothy Sullivan (via zoom), Mayor Robert Sullivan, Chair, Superintendent Michael Thomas, Secretary

Also Present

Cabinet Members, Ms. Kim Gibson, BEA President


Mayor Robert F. Sullivan, School Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:03p, followed by a salute to the flag.

The Chair then took roll call to establish a quorum.

Ms. Sullivan (Here)

Mr. Homer (Here)

Ms. Ehlers (Here)

Ms. Rivas Mendes (Here)

Mr. Rodrigues (Here)

Ms. Asack (Here)

Mr. T. Sullivan (Here) via zoom


Mr. R. Sullivan (Here)

Mayor Sullivan read the following statement:  In addition to attending, the public can view this meeting via television on Comcast Channel 98 and 107HD Version and online via this link:  www.youtube.com/thebrocktonchannels





Executive Session

Mayor Sullivan mentioned Executive Session scheduled on the agenda is not needed and confirmed this by Superintendent Thomas.



Following the Mayor’s reading of the Agenda Items, Ms. Ehlers made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items A, B, C and D.

The motion was properly seconded by Ms. Sullivan.


A.    Approval of Minutes:  Special School Committee Meeting, June 27, 2023

B.    Approval of Minutes:  Regular School Committee Meeting, May 16, 2023

C.    Requests for Authorization to Submit Proposal and Expenditure of Funds:                      

·       FY24 English Learner Education Summer Support Grant – $52,610                                    

·       FY24 Funding for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Grant - $25,000

D.    Acceptance of Human Resources Notifications                                                                   

                        Personnel Actions:  Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements                       


Mayor Sullivan, Chair, took a roll call vote.

Ms. Sullivan (Yes)

Mr. Homer (Yes)

Ms. Ehlers (Yes)

Ms. Rivas Mendes (Yes)

Mr. Rodrigues (Yes)

Ms. Asack (Yes)

Mr. T. Sullivan (Yes) via zoom


Mr. R. Sullivan (Yes)


The motion passed.

Superintendent’s Report

Teaching & Learning

Superintendent Thomas discussed each line item with the committee regarding the school changes and location changes.

Champion High School & Edison Day

Champion High School closing and becoming the Edison Day School located at Brockton High School, 3rd floor of the Green Building.  Superintendent Thomas mentioned after reviewing the data, attendance including the dropout rates and decline in grades we want to make a change and better support our students.




Ms. Ehlers asked for clarification that the Champion is going to be closed but it’s going to be absorbed by Edison Day?

Superintendent Thomas replied, yes, and some students will return to Brockton High School, Promise High School, Edison Night Academy and some to the Re-engagement Center.


Ms. Ehlers asked what is the total population at Champion now?

Superintendent Thomas replied, 142 students.


Ms. Rivas-Mendes asked where is the Re-engagement Center located at?

Superintendent Thomas replied, it will be located where the Promise School at the Brockton Fairgrounds.


Ms. Asack asked what is the student count at Edison Day and max at the Summer Street location?

Superintendent Thomas replied, it would be 100 students and approximately 50-70 students that show up at Edison Day on average and grow to approximately 250 students.


Ms. Sullivan asked how many students do we have at our vocational program?

Superintendent Thomas replied, approximately 500-600 students.


Brockton Therapeutic Day School/Transitional Academy

Superintendent Thomas mentioned the Therapeutic Day School would move to 365 Westgate Drive for one year only as allowed by the state.  Dr. Cobbs and the Facilities team will look at opening space and making office space for the Special Education Department, to be located within the Huntington School before students return.  Dr. LaBillois will present a plan in August that will explain what it will look like as we bring our students back from Out-of-District placement, as many were placed outside on a 45-day eval that could cost up to $30,000 it would be done in house and that will help bring that cost of outside placement down.



Ms. Asack asked, if we’re doing renovations to Westgate?

Superintendent Thomas mentioned, we are not doing renovations to Westgate, the  Huntington School is being renovated to have an open floor plan and welcoming environment.


Ms. Asack asked,  how many students from the Therapeutic going to Westgate?

Superintendent Thomas mentioned, we have approximately 30 students and hope to bring in another 15 to 20 students back into the district before the school year begins to grow it to 50 students which we have plenty of space and a couple of rooms for the 45-day evals.



Superintendent Thomas discussed the PROMISE Academy and how is funded by the Barr Foundation.  They are looking to add another nineth grade so it’ll be nineth and tenth grade, the Barr Foundation is picking up some of the costs, we’re hoping that after another successful year Barr will fund the entire program.


Mr. Rodrigues expressed his concerns of moving the PROMISE to the Mr. Robert C. Jones building the capacity is not sufficient to grow that program.  He also asked is there enough space to put an addition on the building?  If the goal is to grow the program to 400 we should start planning now to make sure we’re able to secure the funds.

Superintendent Thomas agreed with Mr. Rodrigues that the Facilities Subcommittee should meet and come up with a facility master plan with pathway programs.

Ms. Ehlers asked how long of a commitment do we have with the Barr Foundation to fund the PROMISE School?

Superintendent Thomas mentioned as long as we continue to meet with them and provide updates.  They are pleased with what they see and also do site visits and have committed to next years funding of approximately a half million dollars.

Ms. Ehlers motioned to approve the changes and the reorg for the district starting this fall of 2023 as articulated by the Superintendent Michael Thomas.  Seconded by Ms. Sullivan.

Ms. Sullivan (Yes)

Mr. Homer (Yes)

Ms. Ehlers (Yes)

Ms. Rivas Mendes (Yes)

Mr. Rodrigues (No)

Ms. Asack (No)

Mr. T. Sullivan (Yes) via zoom


Mr. R. Sullivan (Yes)

The motion passed.

Draft Policies

Superintendent Thomas mentioned, we sent out a draft cell phone and dress code policies for Brockton High School, changing the attendance policy, it is pending and being reviewed by the Attorneys and Department of Education.  Superintendent Thomas spoke briefly on the draft items, Ms. Ehlers and Mr. Rodrigues both spoke about the visit back in April to Springfield sharing their experience about the Yonder bags. Ms. Rivas Mendes shared her concerns of Wi-Fi issues and how students can’t use their laptops and result to use their phones for various reasons.

1.     Cell Phone

2.     Dress Code

3.     Attendance (draft pending)

Items to Refer to Subcommittee


Unfinished Business


New Business

Discussion and Potential Vote:  JICFB Bullying Prevention Policy.


Superintendent Thomas mentioned this policy has to be updated yearly. 

Ms. Asack recommended a red line to see what changes were made.

All members collectively agreed to continue this matter at the next School Committee meeting.

Closing Statements



Mayor Sullivan asked for a motion to adjourn.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Asack.

Ms. Sullivan (Yes)

Mr. Homer (Yes)

Ms. Ehlers (Yes)

Ms. Rivas Mendes (Yes)

Mr. Rodrigues (Yes)

Ms. Asack (Yes)

Mr. T. Sullivan (Yes) via zoom


Mr. R. Sullivan (Yes)

The motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:03p.


Respectfully submitted,



Michael P. Thomas





Enclosures: Champion HS Student Data Update,  BHS freshmen and repeat freshmen (Handouts)